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  • The Dale News Mission Statement

    The Dale News Mission Statement

    The Dale News Mission Statement

    Message to our viewers

    Hello Dale News Fans! Thank you for waiting patiently for the return of The Dale News. Today marks the beginning of our official Rebirth and we are prepared to make this student newspaper become even more successful. From January to April we went through a rise where we had new writers join the team and new ideas come to life. Those new ideas have given us the strength that we had hoped for since the debut of our website in October 2017. Everyone who contributed to The Dale News in the past has made a major impact because two years ago a student newspaper did not exist at Farmingdale State College. Now we fast forward to two years later on this day of June 4, 2019 and we see that The Dale News has the potential to be one of the greatest factions in the history of the college. In order for us make progress and be successful throughout the rest of this year we need a mission statement that tells everyone what we are about and what we plan to do. So Dale News Fans, get ready and be prepared because we are no longer going through a rise. This is a declaration of positive direction and a set purpose.

    What we plan to do

    We understand that when this student newspaper was created there was one main goal that everyone on the team had in mind. They wanted Farmingdale State College to have a publication that made students feel more involved by having more knowledge on the events going on around campus. Along with knowing about the events, they wanted students to feel like they were part of the school by reading articles that related to different parts of their life. We have been working on achieving those goals since the beginning of The Dale News and that will always be our number one priority. So far we have made history by increasing the overall number of articles in our archive for 2019 and we have been running a successful Instagram page that now has 217 followers! With all of our accomplishments, one would wonder what else we need to plan for because we should be happy with what we have done. While we are happy about everything that has happened, we are focused on getting better in all aspects of what makes a successful student publication. We plan to improve on each aspect through every article that we post and at the end of our articles we will have notes that explain how you can get involved.

    The Declaration

    “The Dale News will provide the students of Farmingdale State College with content that will help them succeed academically and personally. It is important for students to feel like they belong on campus and to feel comfortable enough with themselves to want to be who they are. For the rest of 2019 we declare that The Dale News will become a main attraction for every member of the college and that we will earn the respect of everyone who has ever had a dream.” — The Dale News Team

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    Dale News Instagram & Email

    Instagram = https://www.instagram.com/fsc_dalenews/

    Email = DaleNews.FSC@gmail.com