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  • Lobo Comic Review

    By Ciara Rodriguez

    “Lobo” appears to be just another inter-galactic mess with a twisted back-story, another wanna be Star-Trek/Star Wars clone. But surprisingly, it evolves into something more original than that. Our main character is an assassin with a very complicated past. He is a bodyguard for his home planet’s royal family and the lover of the princess. Now turned rouge, he is known as “Lobo, Destroyer of Worlds”.

    The plot line seems to be driven by his “code”, which dictates his life and his interactions with other characters. He lives for his work and for protecting himself, with no real regard for others. The destruction of his home planet and how it was destroyed eats away at him, mostly because he was part of the reason why it was destroyed. But while reading, you see how he was dealt a “bad hand” in most of his endeavors. He is portrayed as a stone-cold assassin, whose only concern is to get the job done no matter the casualties.

    With most series, the pilot either is rushed or very slow paced (which leads viewers to lose interest). Although this comic had a good running plot line, it felt a bit rushed. The viewer is meant to sympathize with Lobo in his losses, but the back-story was revealed very quickly and when it was shown how his home planet was destroyed, it left no real impact on me personally. It felt like hearing a sad story from a distant relative about her pet hamster; it engendered no real connection. But the ending of book one left you in awe because it took your expectations for the series and threw them out the window.

    The writers know that this comic is not going have one “sole plot”. We will be observing this character through different circumstances. We will learn how his “code” will be put to the test. Given that the first book is what really draws readers in, it did its job. Not to mention the art was very eye catching, from the color choices to line work, all characters were made to be very unique and distinguishable from one another; it was good to see characters who were spontaneous but not to an extent that made it weird. With a mixture of tragedy, gore, and slivers of comedy, Lobo is a series that promises to be compelling and unusual in its “lone-wolf” plot.