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  • “Take Me to FSC” by Isaiah Hilman-Smalls

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    “Take Me to FSC” by Isaiah Hilman-Smalls

    Take me to where a student’s creativity can roam free.

    Take me to where a student can become anything they want to be.

    Show me how a professor can teach me more than a lesson.

    Show me how one’s true understanding can lead to a heart’s confession.

    Find me where the spirits of the youth come together to make noise.

    Watch me as I join a community of overachievers that carry themselves with such poise.

    One day, they will ask me how I came to have such a vast knowledge,
    and I will say that for some of the best years of my life I went to Farmingdale State College.


    Here is a message from The Dale News Team:

    “Right now is a very exciting time to be a member of Farmingdale State College! New clubs are being formed and students are putting all of their energy into creating a positive change on campus. This is what the college experience should be about! The most important part of being a student is focusing on obtaining and maintaining a high grade point average, but there is so much more that college has to offer than just academics.

    The Dale News looks forward to promoting the development of the new clubs, as well as promoting its own advancements. We have come a long way since February 2019 and we know that this year we will make more history! We would like to thank everyone who has supported us since the beginning. For those of you who are just joining us, please stay tuned because the new journey to the main event of Farmingdale has just begun!”

    — The Dale News Team



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    Dale News 2020

    Instagram = https://www.instagram.com/fsc_dalenews/

    Editor’s Email = hilmin@farmingdale.edu

    Dale News Email = dalenewsfsc@gmail.com

    Dale News Student Interest Form = https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_viFbjjPUmh0BUg8PPFtpmYPQj2qQasgeGqV1-04cwbcoNQ/viewform

    Link Tree = https://linktr.ee/fsc_dalenews

    Farmingdale State College Website = https://www.farmingdale.edu/

    Farmingdale State College Athletics Website = http://www.farmingdalesports.com/landing/index

    FSC RAM Central Main Website = https://farmingdale.campuslabs.com/engage/

    FSC Campus Calendar = https://www.farmingdale.edu/calendar/

    FSC Campus Shuttle Schedule = https://www.farmingdale.edu/shuttle/

    Farmingdale State College Bookstore = https://farmingdale.bncollege.com/shop/farmingdale/home