Are you wandering around campus bored? Is it taking longer than you hoped it would to make friends this semester? Come join The Dale News! You’re probably wondering why you would want to join a club where you have to write boring old articles… The good news is that here at The Dale News you can choose what you want to write about!
My first year at Farmingdale was shaky at best. I found myself enjoying classes but I couldn’t find people I felt like I had things in common with. My first article is not my most articulate. Despite that article not being my best work, I found myself within that article. If I knew writing one article would allow me to find myself through writing, ending up on the board of the club and making more friends, I would have joined earlier.
College is hard, especially the first semester or two. The Dale News is very open to any and all topics. You can write about movies, TV shows or even problems on campus. The paper is expanding and the more people writing for us the better. If you’re still looking to find your people or just to rant about something you want to see changed on campus, reach out to us on Instagram @fsc_dalenews or email us at We hope to hear from you soon!
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