Monday morning, alarm goes off, and you feel like you just slept for 5 minutes. A fresh new week, and you’re already looking towards the weekend; well that’s how I feel and you might relate. Many of you are familiar with the “work-school balance”, the ongoing struggle to maintain a healthy balance between both. You might know where I’m going with this, but trust me it will be brief.
Upon graduating high school I got at job working for a Podiatrist, since then I’ve been working and going to sc...
Journey of a Pre-Med

First, I’d like to welcome all those whom are currently taking the time in reading my upcoming blog. My name is Chris but as there tends to be multiple Chris’s, calling me Carlisle would be the best option as that is my last name. I will being writing this blog as a Rambassador (Ambassador for Farmingdale State College). My friend had already inspired me in creating a Pre-Medicine blog and writing one as a Rambassador gave me a kick start in the process.
Why Being a Professional Communications Major is Right for You?

Choosing a major can be extremely difficult. Many students often change their major many times because they feel like they are not in the right one. Trust me, I know from experience. I jumped around between a few majors before I finally found my place in Professional Communications. I was first drawn to this major when I visited Farmingdale for Accepted Students Day. There was when I met with, the department chair, Dr. Vicki Janik. We talked about all the different jobs you can get with this m...
6 Tips to help you Deal with Snowy and Rainy Weather
Having class during a snowy or raining day can be a hassle. It can cause problems with your commute or can make for an eventful day on campus if you’re unprepared. So, I am going to give you a few tips and trick to help you prepare for a cold or wet weather.
Wake up earlier than usual.
If you know it will be snowy or raining. Give yourself extra time to get to class in the morning because there will most likely be traffic.
Start up your car a few minutes before you go to clea...
10 Resume Writing Tips
Your resume is the piece of paper that speaks for you to a potential employer. It is a selling tool that us meant to tell your story and communicate your value. Many times they see your resume before they even meet you. That’s why it’s so important to make a statement with a well thought out, clean and professional resume.
According to Tulane University, here are 10 tips to help you prepare a resume designed to land you any job.
Put yourself in the shoes of your reader. Consider the kno...
What It’s Like Being In A Fraternity – Part 2 – Mr. International
In my previous post, I talked about my Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity experience, and how becoming a "teke" added so much value to my life. This post is the biggest example of one of those valuable moments.
One day I was lying on my hotel bed in Bangkok, browsing Facebook on my laptop, when suddenly a light-bulb flashed in my head:
"I wonder if there are any other 'teke's' in Thailand?"
I while back I joined a Tau Kappa Epsilon Facebook group which was reserved for members living in New York. ...
Finals Week Study Spots on Campus
With finals week right around the corner, how will you prepare? It's easy to procrastinate and push aside the studying or paper writing that needs to be done, but I warn you, start early! There are plenty of spots on campus that you can utilize to ensure that you are able to get some study time in, even during your busy week!
Here are some of my favorite spots on campus and why:
- School of Business: the new building has some incredible lounges on each floor. Not only are they quiet, but you ...
What It’s Like Being In A Fraternity – Part 1 – A Very Busy Year
This is the first part of a blog feature that details my fraternity experience. Not sure how many parts there will be, but my best guess is two or three.
I was spurred to write about my experience because of the recent news regarding fraternities within the past 12 months, most of it negative. I'm specifically speaking of the racist chant video taken of Oklahoma fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
After being in Tau Kappa Epsilon for nearly two years, I have to say I enjoyed my experience. It was ...
More Farmingdale State College History
Welcome back my fabulous readers!
How have you been? Previously, I had shown you a milk carton that I found in the Alumni relations office and told you what I found out about it. Well, this week I have another important part of United States history that is located on our campus. We have The Memorial Oak located between Whitman Hall and Thompson Hall.
The Memorial Oak was planted there on June 4, 1921 to honor those who fought in WWI. In Alumni Relations office, I found a picture of when it ...
Studying Tips
Studying in advance is one things is students never want to hear, or do. It is easy to let our jobs, family and friends get in the way of the time that could be spent studying. However, after being on the side of both not properly studying and studying for a test, I am now a strong advocate of studying in advance to properly prepare for my tests. Here are a few ways that I prep for upcoming tests:
1. When I first learn of my test date, schedule out information- for instance, if my test is two...