After months of being abroad, I finally am back at Farmingdale! I have to admit, it was a culture shock to be back, especially in the Long Island area since I live in Westchester. On my first day of classes, I felt like a freshman again because I had forgotten where all of the class buildings were, and what their names were. The campus was also under construction the last time I was on campus, and this time it seems as though the construction is really moving along and even some buildings were t...
Don’t Know What To Study? Take A “Gap Year” And Find Out!
“A goal without a plan is just a wish."
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery, French writer (1900 - 1944)
For those who aren't in the know, a "gap year" is where you take a break from college for a while, traditionally for a year. It's a popular term in Europe, where students postpone their studies in order to travel and find themselves.
Some college students still don't know what they want to study. As their gen-ed requirements run out, they suddenly feel the increasing pressure to finally choose a dire...
2015 Opportunity Agenda with Governor Cuomo

Hey There Farmingdale!
So what did you think about the beginning of this semester? Well for me, it's been downright crazy! Between the snow, class cancellations, projects and work, I already feel like I'm ready for spring break. Well as some of you may already know, Governor Cuomo had visited our school on February 5th to discuss with us his 2015 Opportunities Agenda. I was fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to attend this meeting.
Governor Cuomo had spoken about many different thing...
How to Buy Textbooks for your classes

Hey there my fellow Rammies,
Now that we are starting the spring semester, I am going to give you tips about how to purchase all of your textbooks without burning a hole in your pocket. No one wants to buy 1 textbook for $100 and another for $200, so here’s the method to the madness that I use and it works every time.
First I look on OASIS to see if my professors posted the required textbooks with our campus bookstore. I write down the book information (Title, author, publisher, edition ...
Life In The “Land of Smiles” – My Thailand Experience
I am sitting down at a table with people I just met. Even though they don't know me, and I don't know them, it feels like we've been friends forever. That's the way they act towards me. Their smiles are warm, and the food they offer me is even warmer, or should I say spicier.
I take a bite of my pad-gra-pow (ground pork with rice). I try to act cool, but it doesn't take long before my eyes water, my tongue burns, and I inhale sharply, giving away my discomfort. Hurts so bad, but tastes sooooo...
3 Hard Truths About Post-College Life
All college students wonder what their lives will be like after they graduate. Being a recent FSC Alum myself, I'm here to shed a little light on what your future experiences might be.
I hope you're sitting down.
1. You Have To Work Harder To Make Friends
Stop me if you've heard this one before:
“Your college years are the best years of your life!”
Well, it's kinda true.
For most people, at no other point in their lives will they be near so many similar, like-minded peers.
Welcome Back!!!!
Hey There Farmingdale!
Long Time, No Write. lol. So last semester flew by quick, didn't it? So what has everyone been up to during their winter break?
Well, my break was relaxing but still busy. Being that I had more time on my hands, I volunteered more at the Long Island Feline Adoption Center. For the 1 month that I had off, the adoption center had 10 cats adopted. Its definitely bittersweet because I hate to see them go but I'm happy that they found their "furever" home.
Besides that I was...
First week home!
First week home! Oh man, it feels so nice to be home with my family! I actually surprised my family and came home two days earlier than they expected, and they were thrilled! I have still been pretty jet-lagged because of the time difference, but it feels great to sleep in my own bed.
It was a bit of an adjustment to be home, and back in the NY lifestyle of things. Back in London I took public transportation everywhere, and here in NY I am able to drive again which is incredib...
Last of London
I truly cannot believe that my time here in London is over. When I first arrived it felt as though I had so much time to do all that I wanted to do, and the next thing I know is I am already packing my bags! Studying abroad has truly been one of the most incredible things I have ever done in my life. It opened the door to traveling to countries and cities that I never thought I would be able to see. Some of my favorite life memories have been created during my time studying abroad.
I was able...
Last week in London….seriously?!
This week is my last week in London, I can't believe it! Where has time gone?! There are moments that I feel like a local and other times where I feel as though everything is still fresh and new. This upcoming week I have a lot of finals and work to be handed in which is quite tough when all I want to do is explore more, visit Christmas markers and shop of course.
As a study abroad student we have to hand in all of our work before we leave, whereas the English students get to hand theirs in a...