CSTEP Is Really a Step Up in Your Education

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What is CSTEP The Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program, also known as CSTEP, was implemented by the New York State Department of Education to provide support and exposure to STEM fields to undergraduate students. CSTEP’s goal is to increase diversity in STEM fields by providing guidance to historically underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students. Students eligible for the program must be pursuing a career in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and health...

Want a Well-paying, Secure, and Continually Growing Job? Try Health Care

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How does a well-paying, secure, and continually growing job sound? Enticing, I would assume. Pursuing a job in health care could lead you to a job fitting all of those characteristics. Health care is an enormous field with jobs for every type of student. However, the sad truth is that our health care system is significantly flawed. Despite being one of the highest-income nations and spending the most on health care, we are not ranked highly in the quality of health care in comparison to othe...