My name is Raven Colson, and I am a sophomore Dental Hygiene student at Farmingdale State College. Due to my major, I have taken various science classes, which is why the Tutoring Center has been a tremendous help to my education.
During my freshman year at Farmingdale, I was struggling with Anatomy and Physiology. I went to my professor to ask for further help understanding the material. She suggested to take advantage of the Tutoring Center, provided for all Farmingdale students. Next, I began to attend the Tutoring Center on a weekly basis, and saw my grades tremendously increase. The transition from high school to college level material can be difficult, but the Tutoring Center can help! Further, even as a sophomore, I still find myself attending the Center at least two times per week.
The Tutoring Center is located on the third floor in Greenley Hall, the campus library. Its convenient location makes it easily accessible for students. For instance, during this spring semester I am taking Chemistry. I was studying for my exam in Greenley Hall and found myself stuck on a problem. I checked the tutoring schedule and someone was there to help understand the material. This is the best part about the Center. You do not have to spend hours there. It can simply be that you have a question on one problem that you are stuck on. You can go upstairs and get help immediately, rather than waiting for the next time you have that class. For myself personally, this relieves stress and anxiety. A schedule is posted each semester when specific subjects will be available for tutoring.
Tips before entering the Tutoring Center:
First, bring notes and materials from the class you are seeking help in. If you do not have the information with you, it makes it harder for the tutor to assist you. Second, bring questions. I personally will write down the questions I have while I am studying alone, and bring them with me to the Tutoring Center. Third, no question is a dumb question. The tutoring staff is there to help you. I used to feel embarrassed to ask them to explain the information again and again when I did not understand them. But many people learn in different ways and at different paces. Further, some may need more emphasis than others on topics to truly understand the information. Lastly, study before you come. This makes it so much easier for you and the tutor to pinpoint the area of confusion. That way you can make the most of your time at the Center.
Another center that students typically do not take advantage of is the Math Center. This center is located in Whitman Hall, on the first level. I discovered it the fall semester of my sophomore year. I was taking Statistics and my professor assigned a project using Microsoft Excel. I had no previous experience using this program. So I went to the Math Center for help. There I was educated on how to use the program and helped with my statistics project, which I received an A+.
Next is the Writing Center, located on the second floor of Greenley Hall. This was extremely helpful during my first two semesters at Farmingdale, when I was taking English 101 and 102. The Writing Center is another tutoring service where your term papers are corrected for grammatical, structural, and citation errors, and many more. Unlike the Tutoring Center, the Writing Center works on an appointment basis. However, they do have specific times for students to walk in and get assistance.
Prior to attending the Writing Center, students should bring a printed copy of both the professor’s instructions and a draft of the paper written by the student. During your appointment, the tutors help you with grammatical errors, as I said before. And, make various suggestions on how to strengthen your paper. Additionally, at the end of each session you receive a paper, almost like a receipt, stating why you were there, how long, and what you worked on. Many professors provide extra credit for students if that sheet is turned in. Because of this asset, I received an A- in English 101 and an A+ in English 102.
Many students do not take advantage of the services provided on campus, even though these services are free for all students. I challenge you to be a scholar and use the resources provided on campus, which will help further your education and accomplish your degree.