Upon accomplishing one major milestone in the life of getting into college and completing a degree, Camila Ng, Biology Science major of Farmingdale State College, is graduating in the winter of 2019. “I feel like I have become more independent and more mature. I feel like soon I am going to step into the adult world, which is a big step” said Camila.
Her biggest motivation for her to continue to be successful in school is that her parents and her professor inspire her to work harder, and to be her better self. Seeing her professor working in the field they love inspires her to study harder toward her goal of possibly working in some kind of healthcare-related field.
Not only she has a good grade, but she also has a great internship at a pharmaceutical lab at Broad Hollow Bioscience Park. “I have been interning with them for about two years. In the lab I work on focusing on the formulation of lotion and creams for skin diseases. In the lab, I help in completing side testing and analyzing the products that are formulated in the lab. I like to intern with them because they allow me to have a flexible schedule, while going to classes. Also, I get experience” said Camila.
Her goal for the future is to work in some kind of healthcare-related field. When I asked her why she chooses this major, she replies with a huge smile, “Biology was more interesting, Biology was more interesting than other courses in high school. I couldn’t see myself doing anything else. I like the lab part of Biology class. I like working in the lab, observing while learning at the same time.” She found her passion in Biology and now nothing can stop her from achieving her goal.
Of course, Camila’s journey through life is quite interesting, “I had a happy childhood in the Dominican Republic with my two older brothers and my parents. My family and I immigrated to the US when I was 12 years old, when my parents decided on a better opportunity for us. My parents were never the kind of parents that would push their kids to do something. They have always been supportive of whatever choice I and my brothers do. They have given up so much for us, that I feel like I want to give back someday.” It’s all thanks to her parents that she has this opportunity to study at Farmingdale.
Now near her graduation, she only has one regret, which was that while in college she was not getting much involved in the campus life. When I asked her what’s the one thing she wants to change, she replied, “Procrastination is my worst enemy. I need to learn to manage how I spend my time.
“Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.” And Camila is ready for the next step in life.