How Study Abroad Changed My Life

This past summer, I got the privilege to study abroad in Barcelona, Spain for a month. I studied International Business and Cultural Management at their big international university, called IQS. There were 7 of us who had all come together from Farmingdale State College all the way to Barcelona. There were parties, personality clashes, fights, late night studying, everything you could think of when it comes to study abroad. I have to admit, at first, I was petrified. I did not want to leave my secure home and my comfort zone to go to a foreign country with 6 other girls that I did not even know. But after the program was over, I think studying abroad was the best decision I have ever made in my life. If I had to another opportunity to study abroad I would definitely take it, and I encourage everyone at Farmingdale State College to do the same.


First off, the process is quite simple. Jessica Zuniga is one the advisors that deals with Study Abroad, and she knows what she’s talking about for sure. I went to her with all my questions and any concerns that I had. She makes everything very easy for you. I would suggest stopping by her office and speaking to her as a first step. From then on, she takes you step by step and tells you what paperwork you’re missing.

The actual trip itself was absolutely amazing. Living on your own gives you independence, freedom, and responsibilities. I remember so many times I missed my alarm clock and was late to class because there was no one to wake me up in the morning. Of course the girls were there with me, but they were all doing their own thing. It helped me push myself out of my comfort zone a lot, and I gained a lot of confidence from this trip. I always remind myself now that if I was able to live in a foreign country by myself for a month, I can do anything. Another thing I experienced in Barcelona were our blessings. I realized how blessed we are. Here in the United States we have so many things made for convenience for us, and we take all the little things for granted. For example, the majority of the population in Barcelona commutes to their destination by walking, or by a motorcycle. Having a car is not common for locals in Barcelona. However, here in the United States, we rely on our cars for so much, that even if our destination was two minutes away we would take our cars. Living in Barcelona made me appreciate the little things that were around me when I was in New York, and not only things but people as well. Being far away from home I realized that everyone needs a break sometimes, but to be isolated and not surround yourself with the people you love and care about, it gets lonely. I faced so many emotions when I went to study abroad. I had highs and I had lows, it felt as if my trip was a roller coaster. But in the end, I felt as if I was a whole new person. I came back to New York with many great new experiences and memories that I will be able to cherish for a lifetime.