What’s New? “Campus Recreation”

Hey Everybody!

Hope you are doing great! As you know school has just started and there is a lot to do on campus.

The hot topic is the new department running at FSC:  “Campus Recreation”.

Campus Recreation is doing great things for the students bringing lots of fun games and fitness classes. I’m glad to be part of this amazing team. We have a lot of ideas to make Farmingdale more entertaining.

Here are some fitness options for everyone:
pole fitness  zumba    yoga







In the meantime, check out our pictures from the Hall Olympics Soccer Game.
soccer 1soccer(2)  soccer 3

Stay tuned for more of what we have in store for you guys.

As I promised before….
my roomCheck out part of my room!!! I can’t show you guys the entire room because I will be competing for the “Room Decorating Contest”, but I think you can guess my inspiration for this semester.

Thank you Guys for reading my post!!! 

See you soon :-)VR