The London Experience: Day Five

Journal entry five (Monday)   On Monday morning we went to BBC studios.BBC studio is their home of entertainment. The first part of BBC studios consisted of talking to guest speakers and walking around some of the areas that they  film their shows in. I was able to meet Nick Grimshaw, who is Harry Styles of One Directions, best friend. I was kind of star struck, and I got a photo with him!! After the morning part of BBC, I went shopping at Primark, which is a inexpensive store, that has a ...

Winter Break Diary

Hey everyone! Hope you are doing great! (WELCOME 2014, Yeiii) ! I’m finally back from my winter break… Can’t deny it was awesome! In this “Winter Break Diary” I chose ten pictures representing the best memories I had. Here they are: 1. Final Grades The moment I see my final grades is when the winter break starts! I was so happy and proud of myself. Hard work truly pays off.! 2. Lil Brother came to visit I was  sad knowing that I was supposed to spend Christmas in the U.S. alone... But the...

London Adventure: Day Six

Journal entry six (Tuesday)   On Tuesday morning, I went to the BFI library, which holds a ton of British media books, magazines, newspapers and even international reading material as well. After BFI, I was able to have a backstage tour of the theater that is going to present the Flying Princess later that evening. The theater was so very cool, and I was able to see the different types of props that the cast uses. What looks like wood, is actually foam! The BFI library is extremely resourc...

Got 中国 (Zhōng wén) ?

你好 (nǐ hǎo) Hey everyone! I'm Back! Stronger and with a lot of interesting posts to my dear readers! Hello All.  It's been a while, but a I wanted to share with you what I've been up to.  This semester I started “Chinese I” or 中国! I’ve been studying Mandarin Chinese for a couple of years (I don’t consider myself a native speaker :) ) and love it. I started to study in the Dominican Republic where I graduated from the basic Chinese course offered by the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo.  I...

From Student to Employee

The transition from student to employee is a different experience for everyone, but we all hope to make it. I am in my last semester at Farmingdale State College before graduating. I am going to blog about my experience during this period of transition and my process over the next few weeks. The first step is something I started working on earlier in my college experience. I will start this post by giving a definition Groom (7) to prepare for a pos...

London adventure! Day four.

Journal entry four (Sunday)   On Sunday morning we went to the markets. The first market I went to was Camden market. I was able to buy some really cool and good smelling inscents from the market.The second market we went to is called Covent market. Covent market is a little pricier than Camden market, but it is worth it. Covent market has Ladurée, which is like my all time favorite macaroon shop. After the markets, we went as a group to the London Eye. The London Eye is like the ultimate ...

London Adventure. Day three

Journal entry three (Saturday) On Saturday morning the group went to Stonehenge and Salisbury.  Unfortunately it was raining, but I still was able to get really good pictures. At Stonehedge I took a bunch of pictures and learned that there is more to Stonehenge that has not been dug up yet. It felt so unreal being able to see Stonehedge, because It was something that I only thought I would be able to experience through books. At Salisbury, I was able to go to all the little shops and I got a rea...

London Adventure day two

  Journal entry two (Friday)   On Friday, the second day of my study abroad trip, we took a bus tour of London. The bus tour took us to different landmarks, and we were able to get off the bus and take photos. One of the places we were able to see was The Buckingham Palace. After the bus tour, we went to visit the Westminster Abbey. The Westminster Abbey is a beautiful Christian cathedral. It is known in London for being a predominantly gothic church. Kate and William got married in...

What did you accomplish today?

Rammy Liv here, and I cannot wait to share this quote with you!  But before we start, I just want to take a second to wish everyone returning, or just starting for the first time, the best first week!  I have been waiting for this moment since school ended last semester!  I cannot wait to hit those books again and make this the best semester ever!!   It is time for the quote! Here we go! The feeling that one gets when they accomplish something that they never thought was possible is probably th...