This weekend I went to Belgium and a small country right next to it called Luxembourg. We took a 6 hour bus to Belgium from London, and got to take the underground tunnel from England to France which takes 35 minutes. After arriving to Belgium we walked to our hostel and headed straight for the Christmas markets. It got dark out by 3:30 so the lights were shining so beautifully by the time we arrived!
The streets were filled with loads of people from all over the world. There were stall after...
Went to Ireland this weekend! I flew into Shannon Airport where a couple of friends from home rented a car and picked me up! We drove over and hour through the countryside to the Cliffs of Moher.
When I first arrived in Ireland, the weather wasn't the greatest, in fact, it was rather cloudy and gloomy out however, when we arrived to the cliffs the skies were an incredible blue color, but it was really windy! We walked along the cliffs for a while and some parts were literally on the edge, one...
Inside Scoop of BSTC!
Hey all,
I've been so busy (in a good way) this semester so I finally have a chance to post about my amazing experience on campus. This semester, I joined an amazing club- Backstage Theatre Company. This club puts on performances for the students on campus as well as the public. We performed the musical romantic comedy "The Wedding Singer" this semester. It's hilarious and is based off of Adam Sandler's movie, "The Wedding Singer." I thought it was the perfect first show for me to be a part of,...
Those Rainy City Days!

Well, here we are - the last week of school. Can you believe that we are here again? Is it not amazing how fast each semester goes by? I want to apologize for having such a huge gap between postings. It has been a rough couple of weeks and I have not had the time to post.
This past weekend, I turned 21. Even though I do not drink it was still a huge birthday. My birthday was Friday and my family and I went out to dinner to celebrate my birthday as well as my sisters. It was a great night! On Sa...
Ladies Respectively Innovating’s Fall Events

Hey There!
First of all, I must apologize for not writing to you all sooner. Life as a college student can sometimes be very fast-paced and I lost track of time. I have so much to tell you, however, there's too much to fit it all into one posting. So for today, I am going to update you on an new organization on campus that I am thrilled to be apart of, it is called Ladies Respectively Innovating (LRI). This group had its first two events during this semester: Domestic Violence Awareness and Gree...
Budapest, Hungary
Budapest is so far my favorite trip of the semester! We had a early morning flight and arrived to Budapest that afternoon. It was easy to get from the airport to our accommodation. Once we were settled in, we were quite tired but decided to take a stroll through the neighborhood. On our walk, we realized that the entire city is full of these beautiful incredible old buildings, not many houses. We walked to Parliament, which is a massive building that has amazing architecture. After exploring tha...
This week in London!
This week in London, I had some of my first assignments due. Since they don't do tests every few weeks like in America, they have 1-2 major assignments throughout the semester. My first assignment was for my Brand Management class. Instead of handing your papers directly to professors, you hand them into the Universities Undergraduate Office, your professor doesn't even know if you've handed it in until the undergraduate office gives it to them! Before you hand it in you must print out a special...
Keeping My Sanity
Hello Again! As a working single mother of 3 boys while trying to finish my undergrad at Farmingdale State College, life can be a bit hectic. Actually, it pretty much always hectic is but I wouldn’t change it for the world. The secret is not losing your sanity. Things however are definitely easier said than done. For the past couple of weeks, things seem to just be dragging. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I just have to remind myself that this is my decision, as I surround mys...
Went to Germany for a long weekend! We flew to Cologne, yes, where cologne actually comes from. It is one of the most colorful towns in the world! Every other building is a different bright color with a cute shop at the bottom of the building. When we first arrived we had to take a train and subway to get to our hostel, which was right outside the city center. After getting situated, we walked into town and on our way we stopped by the many homemade German pastry shops to get a fresh pastry an...
Manchester, my dream!
One of the best weekends so far! On Friday, my friend and I took a Megabus (yes, they have those here too!), to a Northern England town called Chester. My friend Allie, has extended family who lives in a small town called Hawarden (pronounced Hard-en) which is 20 minutes from Chester, but is considered to be a part of Wales! It was a 6 hour bus ride, and her family friends met us at Chester station which was only another 20 minutes to their home. Their town is a super cute and small with one gas...