Hey everyone!
This semester isn’t like any other for me; I’m spending it in Costa Rica at Universidad Veritas! The process of enrolling in the program was very smooth, as SUNY Cortland, the Veritas Program Advisor for SUNY students, and the Study Abroad Advisor, Jessica from Farmingdale were so helpful! If any of you are considering studying abroad, you definitely should! It’s great because you can choose from any SUNY school’s program, as long as courses match your major’s criteria!
First Thing to do as a Freshman
College is a different place from what you have been used to. You are exposed to a new kind of freedom as well as responsibilities. Don’t be scared! Take a deep breath and RELAX! You’ve made into to this amazing college and you have so much to look forward to.
Here are few tips to manage your freshman year.
Get to know your academic advisor- The college advisors are here to help you. Your task is to meet with them as often as possible to discuss your needs and wants. Make the time to ...
Why Get Involved With Greek Life?
Greek Life at Farmingdale State College is fairly new to campus. It has been around for a few years now and it is quickly growing. It is the best way to get involved and make tons of friends. With four fraternities and two sororities on campus, there is certainly something out there for everyone to join. Greek life isn’t about the socials, the mixers, the parties. It’s about a group of individuals coming together to give back to the community. These six wonderful organizations dedicate their tim...
My First Job

In September, the Society of Technical Communication invited me to attend a free, full-day class at Google.
Three weeks ago I applied for a position as a technical writer at a location in NYC.
Two weeks ago I was asked to come in for an interview.
And finally, this past Friday at exactly 9:30 PM, I received a very special phone call.
Yep. I got a job!
And what's more amazing is that the first person who interviewed me, the person who will now be my manager, also happened to be...
My Day at Google

In September, the Society of Technical Communication invited me to attend a free, full-day class at Google.
Yes, Google!
Every time I think about this event I can't help but remember the time I sat with one of my Department Chairs at Farmingdale, Dr. Janik. As a part of my senior internship requirement, I had to write down my career goals, such as where I wanted to work after school. I didn't think too long about writing that my ideal place to work was at either Microsoft of Google. It was...
Studying for Finals

It’s finally at the point in the semester where the talk of finals is upon us. For some of you that means graduation is right around the corner and for others it means winter break is so close you can taste it. As tempting as it is to just coast for the remaining of the semester it’s important to end with a bang. The best way to end your semester with the highest grades as possible is to know what you need to do from now until your semester is officially over.
A few ways to make sure you’...
How to get a Job on Campus
If you are an over achiever and are looking to both take classes and have a job on campus, there are a few options you can explore as a student. Important information to know before you begin your job hunt is to see if you qualify as a work-study student or not. You can get this information in the financial aid office located on the third floor of Laffin. If you are informed that you do qualify as a work study student, you will be given a packet of positions you can apply throughout the campus a...
How to Choose a Major
Was it just me or was what’s your major or what are you planning on studying the most dreaded question when you were a high school senior? I would think the whole time how am I supposed to know what I’m going to do in four years when I change my mind on what I’m going to eat for dinner at least three times a day. Although committing to one major can be overwhelming, it can be much less complicated than many can make it out to be.
Unless if you are one of those lucky people who has known t...
Adjusting as a Transfer
As many of you may have experienced or have been fortunate enough to dodge, college can be a very scary experience. Starting a new aspect in life can be intimidating due to the unknown and starting completely over from a failed or not up to ideal experience can be absolutely terrifying! Whether you are a freshman, transfer student, coming back to school from a gap or even a student who would like to adjust better to the college life, this post’s goal is to help you adjust and feel more comfo...
DIY College Dorm Room
Tired of staring at the same bland walls all day? As many people know Pinterest is a perfect outlet when feeling inspired and creative. When it comes to exactly what you can craft, a quote of Cady Heron can easily answer that question: “The limit does not exist.”
There are hundreds of seasonal crafts to change up your room with fall, holiday and winter decorations throughout the semester to feel at home and keep up with the holiday spirit. Two stores I think are always worth visiting when con...