Don’t avoid Math, Embrace it!

ANYONE CAN DO WELL AT MATH!!! Don't panic! Your math experience was most likely shaped by how you were taught and what beliefs you have developed along the way. In 2005, Gallup conducted a poll that asked students to name the school subject they considered to be the most difficult. Math came out to be the top. What makes math so difficult? Have you ever wondered? For some students math comes easily, intuitively or automatically, for others it takes time and effort. But, hey, all you need is pa...

Visiting an Architectural Firm on Long Island

My group and I had an interesting visit to one of the prestigious architectural firms on Long Island. Our purpose was to investigate how their work spaces were organized. We had already designed our first project, so our visit to this firm certainly prepared us for our next integrative design. Moreover, we will present a work-living space; an architectural firm and a house. Our instructor has already invited prominent architects of Long Island to our presentation day. Very intimidating! Recepti...


Some people claim that adjusting to a new culture can be somewhat challenging! WHY IS THAT? When we set out on our journeys, our minds are full of excitement. The great things we hear from people, the media and other means of communication spark our senses. We begin to visualize this awesome place we want to be, but there is an adjustment period that some may need to go through. STAGES OF CULTURAL ADJUSTMENT Excitement Stage (Arrival): For most people, the first week or two after arriving t...

Don’t Think You Are Wasting Your Time by Joining a Club!

No, way!! In fact you are making the most of your college experience and it can be valuable for your future endeavors. There are many reasons as to why you should join a club. Check out the list.  By no means is is a waste of time. Don't rob yourself of a fantastic college experience. Trust me!  1.     Fun Feeling a bit overwhelmed with classes? Come and have some fun with peer students. Have some refreshments and laughs. Take a break from classes. You will most definitively find someone with ...

Good Bye Intense Spring Semester of 2013

Can't believe this semester is over already! I had a ton of fun and yes, a lot of work to do during our past Spring '13 semester. I met so many great people on campus. I was given a Campus Life Award due to my campus involvement. I just love Farmingdale. (more…)