Hello my lovely readers! How are we all doing today? I cannot wait to tell you all about day three and day four of my vacation! I will skip over the small talk to just jump right into it because that is how excited I am to tell you all about these past couple of days. Here we go!
On day three, Tuesday, my dad went and got a massage (I was not allowed to get a facial L). While he was off getting his massage, I just did some more schoolwork. Yes, I am still doing schoolwork. After he return...
Spring Break 2014~Day One and Two
Hello loyal readers! How are we all doing today? This is a very exciting week! Are you curious as to why? I guess I will tell you; it is spring break! I know it is very exciting for all of us Farmingdale State College kids. What are you all doing on this lovely, yet cold week? I am in Newport, RI! I cannot wait to tell you all about my vacation so far! I will be writing every time I get the chance! Here it goes!
This vacation is a little different than any other vacation that I am used t...
New Chapter.
Hello my lovely readers! How are we doing on this lovely day? I know the blogs have been slacking recently, and I want to apologize. I have been through so much recently, both in school and in my personal life, that I have let it take over and disturb this wonderful thing. While there was the break between quotes, I have been doing some thinking; it is possible that after this week, I will no longer be posting quotes. But that does not mean that you will be left hanging my dear readers. I w...
What did you accomplish today?
Rammy Liv here, and I cannot wait to share this quote with you! But before we start, I just want to take a second to wish everyone returning, or just starting for the first time, the best first week! I have been waiting for this moment since school ended last semester! I cannot wait to hit those books again and make this the best semester ever!! It is time for the quote! Here we go!
The feeling that one gets when they accomplish something that they never thought was possible is probably th...
Hello and Happy 2014!! Can you believe that another year has passed? I am sorry that it has been a while since the last time I posted a blog but finals and the holidays got in the way. Don’t worry because I am back and I have bunch of new quotes for you guys! Are you ready? Here we go!
Remember when we were little and we were taught The Golden Rule: treat others the way in which you would want to be treated? It was a simple statement that we all learned; yet some of us forgot about it as w...
What have you learned today?
That was a close call! I barely made it through midterms! Good thing I read that last post on how to survive the stresses of midterm and final season! [The jury came back, and they were unable to come up with a verdict.] Don’t worry my loyal readers; I have a really amazing quote for you that I know you will enjoy. Here we go!
For those of you who know me, you know that I have always been school driven. You also know how big of a nerd I am. My favorite thing is to be in school...
Don’t Snap Under Pressure!
It is that time of year again folks; the time when college kids start pulling all-nighters, loosing their minds and start pulling their hair out. Yes, it is midterm and final season. This could be almost as bad as Starbucks running out of Pumpkin Spice Lattes (the jury is still out on this one). Instead of a quote this week, I have a few tips to help you through the next couple of weeks.
Ready? Get set! Start studying!
1. Do not procrastinate!
Probably the worst thing you can do - actuall...
Take A Look at Yourself.
Hello Farmingdale and beyond! Rammy Liv here and boy has it been a hectic week! But don’t fret my pets. I haven’t forgotten about your quote that I know you have all been waiting for. Well, here we go!
We have all been in a situation where someone (maybe even you) has said something that wasn’t very nice. Have you ever noticed, though, that most bullies just bully other people because they themselves aren’t happy with who they are as a person? They use this as a defense mechanism to protec...
Keep calm and yawn on!
Hello loyal readers! Instead of a quote, this week, I decided to post a thought that will make you think the next time you yawn. Now it requires some imagination; do you think you can handle it? Are you ready?
Imagine this: You are in the library writing a paper, minding your own business, and all of sudden you start yawning. You don’t understand why. You slept a solid eight hours last night. A couple of minutes after you yawn; you notice the person in the cubical a little ways down from y...
A Quote a Week to Keep You on a Winning Streak.
Hello Farmingdale and beyond!! Rambassador Liv here and boy do I have a lot in store for you readers out there this semester!!
Starting this week, I will be posting a new quote that will leave you thinking positively and maybe even a little bit inspired. You can use the quotes however you want, impress your friends, impress your Professors or even just use them to keep you on track.
Along with the quote, I am going to be giving you my interpretation of what the quote means to me and what mess...