Those Rainy City Days!

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Well, here we are - the last week of school. Can you believe that we are here again? Is it not amazing how fast each semester goes by? I want to apologize for having such a huge gap between postings. It has been a rough couple of weeks and I have not had the time to post. This past weekend, I turned 21. Even though I do not drink it was still a huge birthday. My birthday was Friday and my family and I went out to dinner to celebrate my birthday as well as my sisters. It was a great night! On Sa...

Falling in love with Fall!

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Hello my lovely readers! How are we on this cold Monday? I hope you are all staying warm! This has to be my favorite time of year because of all the beautiful aspects of this season. For my blog this week, I decided to make a list of my top two things about Fall. I hope you enjoy it! Here we go! 1. The Red Cups at Starbucks! -I know that I am sounding like a stereotypical "white girl" but this is definitely one of my favorite parts of this season. My favorite drink is the Caramel Brûlée. It war...


Hello my lovely readers! Halloween is in the air and do I have a great blog for you this week! I am going to tell you all about my top three things that I enjoy most about this holiday!  Here we go! Baking the Sweetest Treats! -Every year on Halloween my sister and I bake a nice sweet treat!  This year, we made Frankenstein cupcakes...IT'S ALLIIIVVVEEE!No need to be afraid my lovely readers, they are the cutest cupcakes that I have ever seen!  Take a look for yourself! Pizza Galore!-I know t...

Connect With Us!!

  Hello my lovely readers! How is everyone’s week going so far? I hope that you are all having a great week! This week, I am helping out my Rambassadors by letting you know how to stay connected with us! This way you are able to get up to the minute information about all things Farmingdale! Ready? Here we go! Facebook!           Farmingdale State College Rambassadors: Farmingdale State College’s Mascot Rambo: htt...

Joys and Silliness of Living at Home!

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We all know that people say that staying in the dorms during college is the best thing, I happen to disagree with this statement. For me, the best thing that I ever did was live at home while I was in college.   In the summer of 2012, I stayed on campus in the dorms for two weeks. I tried the whole dorming thing and it was not for me. The following, in no particular order, are the top five things that I found to be great in the past three years that I have been in college while living at home. ...

Amazing Adventures!

Hello! Long time no blogging right? Well do not fret for it is a new semester and I am here to write, write, write! I cannot wait to tell you all about the awesome retreat that the Rambassadors just took! I think after hearing what we did you guys will all be lining up to go and give it a try for yourselves! Ready? Here we go! On Friday, September 5, 2014, your Farmingdale State College Rambassadors went on their annual retreat.   Now, this is not like the other retreats that we have had in the...

Do you believe in magic? Part One.

Happy Summer my lovely readers! How are we all doing on this lovely July day? I am having the best start to my summer and I am so happy that I am able to share it all with you! My sister is four years younger than I am and just ended her sophomore year of high school. Being that she was in her sophomore year, she had a lot of testing. So as you can assume, to start off my summer, I was “Driving Miss. Daisy” as some people call it. I really did not mind it; I would rather drive her than have her...

Five Reasons Why You Should Take A Campus Tour

When I began my search for college I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I did some research online and found a few colleges that looked interesting and seemed to offer the programs the I was interested in. But, you can only learn so much from reading information and looking at pictures. It wasn't until I visited the college's that I really decided. So, I highly recommend taking a campus tour before making a decision and here are 5 reasons why. 1. Explore the campus in person - There is no...

Happy Finals!

Hello Farmingdale and Beyond! It is finals time here at Farmingdale and boy can you smell all the aroma of coffee throughout campus.  I know  this time can be stressful, but do not worry my friends I have a great idea for my blog this week!  I am going to give you a helpful hint about how to avoid the stress of  finals and then I would love for all of you my loyal readers to share what you do to reduce your stress during finals. One thing that I do to reduce stress is I bake all of these fancy...

Spring Break 2014- Day Five and Six

All aboard!  Yes, my fellow readers I am writing to you while I am on a boat.   I am currently, well while I’m writing, on a ferry on my way back to Newport.  It is going to be one heck of a couple of days.  I cannot wait to tell you all about it. Here we go! Day five is probably my favorite day of the whole vacation. We are going to the aquarium!  We will be visiting the Mystic Aquarium in Mystic Connecticut.   My favorite part of today was seeing the penguins.  I have always wanted a penguin,...