Did you know that scientific studies have shown that music can actually alleviate stress. “Music has been shown to relieve stress and anxiety effectively, as well as their associated symptoms. If you want a quick, easy way to fight stress, then perhaps listening to your favorite soothing music on a regular basis could be part of the answer for you.”(Journal of Music Therapy)
If you are feeling overwhelmed from studying for an exam to relationship problems, taking a break and putting on your fav...

Lisa Millstein
Year: Senior
Major: Professional Communications & Business Management
Hometown: Plainview, NY
What I love about FSC:
I love that Farmingdale State College is a small school that allows me to interact with professors rather than being a number in the classroom. I also love all the networking opportunities that this school has to offer.
Campus Involvement:
Resident Assistant, Career Development Center, Sigma Delta Tau, Golden Key Honor Society
Interest & Hobbies:
Reading, Cooking, Dancing, and Shopping
Halloween Style: College Edition
So who is excited for Halloween? I know I am! Are you the type of person who picks out their costume weeks in advance like me, or are you the type of person who leaves it to the last minute? If you haven’t had the chance to pick out your costume, here are some Halloween costume ideas for men and women:
Wouldn’t you just love walking around campus dressed up in a Racy BANANA costume! It is fun, and will you will definitely get commented on! “Your banana peel is coming off” “Your Epidermis is s...