Journal entry eight (Thursday)
On Thursday morning, we all went to the talk show called Loose Women. I thought it was really interesting, and I learned that eating a donut has less sugar than orange juice. After the talk show, I went to lunch with some of the girls. After lunch we had the guest speaker who was extremely informative regarding journalism. After that I went to Nottinghill Gate to do some shopping. After shopping, we got dinner and went to FroYo. Yes, SNOG!...

Lisa Millstein
Year: Senior
Major: Professional Communications & Business Management
Hometown: Plainview, NY
What I love about FSC:
I love that Farmingdale State College is a small school that allows me to interact with professors rather than being a number in the classroom. I also love all the networking opportunities that this school has to offer.
Campus Involvement:
Resident Assistant, Career Development Center, Sigma Delta Tau, Golden Key Honor Society
Interest & Hobbies:
Reading, Cooking, Dancing, and Shopping
London Adventure: Day Seven
Journal entry Seven ( Wednesday)
On Wednesday morning, the media group went back to the BFI (British Film Institute) to see about the filming of movies. We watched some of the movie selections for about an hour and after went to an amazing film museum that advertised brand marketing throughout the years. We ate lunch with some friends at a fish and chips place, which obviously ended with shoe shopping,a s every lunch does. I bought such a cute pair of shoes for only five pounds; I was so excite...
The London Experience: Day Five
Journal entry five (Monday)
On Monday morning we went to BBC studios.BBC studio is their home of entertainment. The first part of BBC studios consisted of talking to guest speakers and walking around some of the areas that they film their shows in. I was able to meet Nick Grimshaw, who is Harry Styles of One Directions, best friend. I was kind of star struck, and I got a photo with him!! After the morning part of BBC, I went shopping at Primark, which is a inexpensive store, that has a ...
London Adventure: Day Six
Journal entry six (Tuesday)
On Tuesday morning, I went to the BFI library, which holds a ton of British media books, magazines, newspapers and even international reading material as well. After BFI, I was able to have a backstage tour of the theater that is going to present the Flying Princess later that evening. The theater was so very cool, and I was able to see the different types of props that the cast uses. What looks like wood, is actually foam! The BFI library is extremely resourc...
London adventure! Day four.
Journal entry four (Sunday)
On Sunday morning we went to the markets. The first market I went to was Camden market. I was able to buy some really cool and good smelling inscents from the market.The second market we went to is called Covent market. Covent market is a little pricier than Camden market, but it is worth it. Covent market has Ladurée, which is like my all time favorite macaroon shop. After the markets, we went as a group to the London Eye. The London Eye is like the ultimate ...
London Adventure. Day three
Journal entry three (Saturday)
On Saturday morning the group went to Stonehenge and Salisbury. Unfortunately it was raining, but I still was able to get really good pictures. At Stonehedge I took a bunch of pictures and learned that there is more to Stonehenge that has not been dug up yet. It felt so unreal being able to see Stonehedge, because It was something that I only thought I would be able to experience through books. At Salisbury, I was able to go to all the little shops and I got a rea...
London Adventure day two
Journal entry two (Friday)
On Friday, the second day of my study abroad trip, we took a bus tour of London. The bus tour took us to different landmarks, and we were able to get off the bus and take photos. One of the places we were able to see was The Buckingham Palace. After the bus tour, we went to visit the Westminster Abbey. The Westminster Abbey is a beautiful Christian cathedral. It is known in London for being a predominantly gothic church. Kate and William got married in...
London Adventure. Day one
Journal entry one, January 2nd (Thursday)
On Thursday morning I arrived at Heathrow airport in London. I was so excited, and ready to start off my day. I remember meeting Liz, the groups designated tour guide. She was so funny, and gave all of us very insightful information about London. Our first stop of the day was Windsor Castle. Windsor Castle is one of the many homes of the Queen. In Windsor Castle, I was able to see the St.George Cathedral, which has a very gothic style to it. What makes...
Getting London Ready
I have always wanted to go on a study abroad with college, and now I actually have the chance. I believe that going on a study abroad, whether it is an intercession during the winter and summer or a semester, is such a valuable and life changing experience. My trip consists of me going to London for the winter intercession which is about two weeks! This program is with the media department, thus allowing me to visit different TV and broadcasting networks in London. This is going to be such a won...
Final Exam Stress: 5 Ways To Beat End Of Semester Anxiety
Its that time of year again! Yes, Winter break! But before we can get all excited and pumped for vacation, we have to get by one last stressful part of school. FINALS. Just the sound of it, makes me so stressed out. Sleepless nights, late coffee runs, textbooks galore. I am sure we all want that A, but do not want to pull our hair in order to get it. I realized, that in order to succeed and do your best, putting an insane amount of pressure on yourself, is not going to benefit you, but give you ...