
Hey guys! This past week was a stressful one. It was my final week of Intermediate 1 Spanish, and we had a presentation and final exam! I’m happy to say that I got an exceptionally well grade in the class, so now I will be moving forward to Intermediate 2! And, it just so happened that I had been planning to go to Nicaragua that weekend. Perfect timing for celebration! To get to Nicaragua was a hassle because getting through customs and migration took forever. It took 9 hours to get...

Costa Rica Update

Hey all! I finally have some free time to write! Having 4 hour Spanish Intensive classes 5 days a week, it’s tough to get some free time. Since they’re so much work, I treated myself to an excursion this past weekend (I haven’t gone on one in a while!). Friday, we headed to the town of Arenal, where the largest volcano of Costa Rica is located. From the hotel, the view was amazing! Unfortunately, visiting the volcano up close wasn’t part of the itinerary for this specific excursion, bu...

So Far, So Good!

Hey everyone, Hope everything is well over in Farmingdale! Over here in Costa Rica is awesome! I just finished my first intensive Spanish course (Basic 2) and it was surprisingly tough! Today was my first day of Intermediate 2 and it went very well. Also, this month starts electives; I’m taking Selected Topics in Afro-Caribbean Studies, which I’m pretty excited about. I thought I’d fill you in on amazing adventures the past few weekends. 2 weekends ago, I visited a coffee plantation, w...

Weekend Excursion in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

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Hey everyone! I can’t believe it is 2 weeks into the semester, it sure doesn’t feel like it. My first intensive Spanish class has been going so quick (it only lasts 4 weeks) and I can’t believe it’s almost over. We’ve already had our first presentation and test. I can also definitely see the improvement in communication with my host mom, which is a rewarding and awesome feeling. This past weekend, I went on my second excursion trip to Puerto Viejo, “The Rasta” of Costa Rica. It was a 5 hour d...

Tamarindo Beach

This weekend, about 12 of us went to Tamarindo Beach at the North Pacific coast. It was a 5 hour scenic bus drive through the mountains of Costa Rica. It was our first time visiting somewhere outside San Jose and it was exhilarating! We arrived around 8 at night, and stayed in a beautiful hotel, “El Rey.” The next day, we went across the street to the beach bright and early. The view was amazing; clear water and mountains in the distance. Many Ticos (name for Costa Ricans) walked along th...

Costa Rica

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Hey F’Dale! Hope everyone’s first week of classes are going smoothly. So far, my class of the month (Basic 2 Spanish) at Veritas Universidad is pretty good. It is challenging because I haven’t taken a Spanish course since high school; this is definitely going to be my most difficult semester yet. There are 8 students in my class, makes the learning process more personal and beneficial. My professor, who we call “profe,” said she will only give us long homeworks Monday through Thursday, and...

Pura Vida Abroad

Hey everyone! This semester isn’t like any other for me; I’m spending it in Costa Rica at Universidad Veritas! The process of enrolling in the program was very smooth, as SUNY Cortland, the Veritas Program Advisor for SUNY students, and the Study Abroad Advisor, Jessica from Farmingdale were so helpful! If any of you are considering studying abroad, you definitely should! It’s great because you can choose from any SUNY school’s program, as long as courses match your major’s criteria! I...

Inside Scoop of BSTC!

Hey all, I've been so busy (in a good way) this semester so I finally have a chance to post about my amazing experience on campus. This semester, I joined an amazing club- Backstage Theatre Company. This club puts on performances for the students on campus as well as the public. We performed the musical romantic comedy "The Wedding Singer" this semester. It's hilarious and is based off of Adam Sandler's movie, "The Wedding Singer." I thought it was the perfect first show for me to be a part of,...

It’s Time: Registration!

Well, that time of the semester has come. Personally, I love registering for classes! And also, I feel that I must make sure my schedule is perfect regarding classes, times, and professors. I'm happy to give you guys some tips on making perfect schedule. First, I'd recommend calling your department of study to schedule an appointment for advisement. You can also go to the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC) in the lower level of Greenley Hall to get help making your schedule. S...

A Night at Madison Square Garden

Hey Farmingdale! A reason that I love FSC is that it is so close to New York City. Since I’m a music-lover, I take full advantage of being so close to the city- there are concerts happening constantly. Since this summer, I’ve been looking forward to seeing an incredible show at Madison Square Garden- Bassnectar, Big Gigantic, and Rusko. This past Saturday, October the 4th, my suitemate and I conveniently hopped on the Farmingdale train, and anxiously anticipated the concert for just an hour ri...