In a time when college is filled with smartphones, we need to learn how to get the best use out of them.
Keeping organized is important for college.
Apps like Evernote keep notebooks. Take a note, pick a notebook and save. Teacher writing too fast? Take a picture it will last longer. It will also remove the ambiguity of spell check and help with illegible notes. Be careful, too many pictures in Evernote fill up your free monthly limit of data transfer quickly.
Microsoft has an App called OneNote which which also keeps notebooks and if you have Microsoft office, I believe it also syncs with OneNote from office
Homework apps keep track of due dates for assignments.
Calendars are another great organization tool. Digital calendars are made through Apple, Google and Microsoft. Having multiple calendars based on your activities can be a great thing. I keep a calendar just to let my family know when I’m busy and should not be called. I also keep track of events that way.
Have files? Dropbox, box,and Google drive all do the same thing. If you have an account to them all it might be easy to use a method for one scenario and a different one for another scenario.
Google docs and Apples iCloud(beta pages) allow document modification. This might be helpful if you are using your phone to do a report
Blackboard Mobile Learn is an app that works with Farmingdale’s Angel server.
You may not have all the features, but it gives speedy access.
Times have changed, we change with it, we must adapt and overcome. This is the ethos today’s students need to learn.