Hello Farmingdale and beyond!! Rambassador Liv here and boy do I have a lot in store for you readers out there this semester!!
Starting this week, I will be posting a new quote that will leave you thinking positively and maybe even a little bit inspired. You can use the quotes however you want, impress your friends, impress your Professors or even just use them to keep you on track.
Along with the quote, I am going to be giving you my interpretation of what the quote means to me and what message I think it is sending. Please share all of your opinions and your viewpoints, but please keep it PG. Everyone has the right to their own viewpoint on something and we as a whole need to respect that. If you do not agree with someone’s viewpoint, that is okay simply say something along the lines of, “I see what your point is, however I feel…”, or something like, “Although _____ makes a good point, I see it as meaning…”.
Now that we are all clear on the guidelines, let us get started with the first quote of the week. The first quote that I have chosen was said by Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”. I happen to agree with this quote 100%. This is because our generation has the potential to change world and make a difference. We are living in a world where we are going to school and learning all about what did work in history and what did not work. And we as a whole have the chance to make sure that History does not repeat itself. Education brings about a whole new world, so many opportunities that are open to us and we need to make the change happen. It is not going to happen in a day, maybe it won’t even happen in a year but just one tiny change can make a huge difference. All it takes is one person to do something different and that can cause a chain reaction. Like one of my favorite songs says, “…just one spark starts a fire.”
Tune in again next week for another quote that might just change the way you think.
For more information on everything Farmingdale, be sure to follow me on Twitter @Liv_FSC and use the hashtag, #FSCRambassadors for everything Farmingdale.
Until next time, this is Rammy Liv signing off.
“Goodnight and good luck.”