The Semester Begins! There are things to do!
As the semester begins I look around and see activities planned. Dorm students had a whole weekend to become acquainted to the dorm life and to meet new people. The student activities center has announced a number of opening activities.
Activities in themselves are a great way to meet new people. Introducing yourself to the person on the blanket next to you, at the outdoor movie, might be a great way to start a friendship. Teaching someone next to you how to play a game, such as bingo, can help you meet people.
Going to campus activities are also great fun, scavenger hunts are always an adventure. Carnivals are always exciting, with rides, fortune-tellers and balloon animal booths. Spirit Week and Homecoming is probably one of the ultimate thrills, the campus buzzing with school pride and entertainment.
Activities are a way to ease the transition from home life to school life. Getting involved helps you to forget the homesickness or isolation often felt during the first week of classes as we start to get back into the classroom environment.
If you are going to these activities then you are benefiting. If you are not, then you might want to think about what you are missing.