Study Methods Based on Your Learning Style

Studying is a skill that you learn over time. It takes time and sometimes is through trial
and error. Each class requires a different study method. For some classes flashcards might be the
way to go and for another class you might need to rewrite the notes. The study method to use all
depends in the way you learn. I will explain the way I figured out how to study and how I have
developed a routine for each class.

As a visual learner, I like to study using drawings, diagrams and colors. I know the
majority of students are visual learners. And many of us at first don’t know what being a visual
learner even means. The first step to figuring out a method to study is to find out how visual
learners learn best. Many college classes use powerpoints to lecture, which at times only have
words and no diagrams; they can be very bland. When I have courses that do that, I always take
notes using different colors. Each color signifies the importance of the topic or relation to
another topic and always bold and highlight what the professor emphasizes. When it comes time
to review your notes or study, you add a mood to your notes. If there are many vocabulary words
make a chart with all the words or drawings that will help you remember when taking the exam.

3 open books.

For the auditory learners, what works best is listening. Lectures are very long and
sometimes is hard to grasp all the information at once. For an auditory learner is best to record
the class, and always with the professor’s permission. If they do not allow you to record their
class, there are other methods to be successful. A method i have used that has worked for me is
recording group study sessions. When you go back and listen you can hear for simple terms
other students use to understand, which may help you understand better. Another method you
can do is record yourself reading the notes or the textbook, it may help you familiarize yourself
better with the material. Reading aloud always helps when reading something with

Verbal learners learn best by writing and speaking. When you have a hard class that
contains a lot of notes, you may not want to rewrite all of them. For verbal learners, rewriting
their notes works best for them. When you rewrite your notes, you are emphasizing what you
wrote down in class. I don’t mind how long my lectures are but I rewrite my notes everyday after
class, and once an exam comes I am able to go back and find myself very comfortable with the
material. Verbal learners also can study by speaking; speaking to someone about the topic or
studying in a group. When you teach someone else it means you understand the subject.

8 students sitting at circular round table studying.

Not every method is going to work for everyone or for every class. It is always good to
try new methods and see what works best. When you find the right study method, studying for
exams is not as stressful. I hope these tips can help you in your college career and even in other
aspects of life.