Making Connections and Filling the Gap

Two stick figures standing on two separate boxes holding hands.FSC is a constantly changing and evolving campus. Just this Fall, Conklin Hall was reopened as a new space for Student Activities. Over the past few years there has been a surge in the development of new student clubs and organizations. These organizations might represent a large population of students or smaller interest groups.

FSC’s first Greek organization formed in 2011, and since then, the school houses three sororities and four fraternities that are nationally recognized. Many other organizations have formed to represent student interests in academics, social awareness, culture, and recreation. Some of these clubs include Love Over Hate, FSC Bhangra, Cheerleading Club, and Women in Computing.

Love Over Hate encourages positive activism and welcomes all individuals on campus, regardless of background. FSC Bhangra gives FSC exposure to Punjabi cultural dance. The Women in Computing Club advocates for women and other minorities within computing on campus and at a larger scale. The Cheerleading Club promotes teamwork and practices tumbling and stunts.

There are over 70 student organizations on campus that help represent the students on campus. Nevertheless, there is still room for more. Want a new Greek chapter, peer mentoring group, or fitness club? If you feel as though you are not being properly represented on campus, or have a cool new idea for a club not yet formed, FSC makes it fairly easy to start your own club.

The Office of Student Activities (OSA) recognizes and registers student organizations. To start a new club, you and a group of students (at least 10) must be recognized and registered to participate on campus. The steps are fairly simple and can be found in the OSA Handbook. Some of these requirements include a proposed executive board and constitution. This along with other forms needed can be found via Ram Central.

Why go through the trouble? Starting your own organization can have a number of benefits for yourself as well as your peers. Some of which include:

A new organization might help you and other Farmingdale students create new connections to others with similar interests. This might be helpful if you are new to campus and would like to meet new people.

FSC Pride
Student clubs and organizations help students to get involved outside of the classroom and see FSC as a fun and welcoming community.

Starting a new club or organization is a good way to practice and learn leadership skills through collaboration with your new club members. This experience might come in handy in your prospective field.

Whether you would like to open a club or organization, or join one of the many Farmingdale has to offer, getting involved on campus can make your time at Farmingdale even more worthwhile. FSC is a campus of inclusion, hoping to bridge the gap between people of different backgrounds by forming connections through common interests.