Well hello there incoming Freshman!! My freshman year is officially over, and it was a great adventure. It got off to a rocky start, but it ended with a bang. I came out victorious in the end!
The following list contains things that freshman should know before they enter college:
(This list is in no particular order but is all of great importance.)
10. “PROCRASTINATOR! PROCRASTINATOR!” – Do not think that because the assignment is not due for another three weeks that you can just let it go by. The longer you wait to start the assignment, the more you are going to regret it.
9. IT’S OKAY TO BROWN BAG IT!! –As a commuter, I never had the “Freshman Fifteen”, but my wallet sure got thinner. You might feel pressured to leave campus and get food or order out everyday, but you have to know what is good for your bank account. Buy lunch one day, and then brown bag it the next day.
8. BE PREPARED FOR SUDDEN WEATHER CHANGES!! –Always be prepared for any kind of weather. Keep an umbrella in your car and even keep another sweatshirt in your car. You never know when Mother Nature is going to change her mind and start snowing in the middle of the day or have a sudden downpour and you are soaked from head to toe.
7. WATCH YOUR TIME!! –If you are a commuter like I was, time should be your biggest priority. If you have an 8:00 class and your commute is thirty minutes, leave for school at 7:00. As much as you are going to hate it, you have to in order to get to class on time.
6. “…and remember that life’s a great balancing act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you’ll move mountains.” –While in college, be prepared to work hard. Being in college is like working a 40-hour week. As a new freshman, it will be hard to hangout with friends when you have a term paper due the following Monday. As someone told me my freshman year, “Work hard, be safe, and have fun; in that order”.
5. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD! –Most freshman have a hard time realizing that they are not in high school anymore and that they are in fact in college. Professors are not going to care if you pass or fail a paper. They will not be on you like most high school teachers are. This is not “13th Grade”, this is real life.
4. SHOW SOME SCHOOL PRIDE! –Joining clubs are a great way to experience new things and, along with that, it looks good on your resumé. You can also participate in Spirit Week by going to Homecoming or running for student government. There are also many games to attend on campus.
3. MAKE NEW FRIENDS AND KEEP THE OLD! – You’ll always have your high school friends, but remember that college opens up doors to meet new people. You will meet people from all over the world so keep your mind open and, who knows, you might meet that special someone.
2. “DO WHAT YOU LIKE; LIKE WHAT YOU DO!” – You don’t have to pick your Major Freshman year. At least 80% of college Freshmen will change their Major at least twice during their first year. It’s OK to change your mind. Do what is best for you.
1. “HELP, I NEED SOMEBODY! HELP!”- It is OK to ask for help when you know you need it. Go to the Tutoring Center or ask your Professor to explain certain topics further. Sometimes getting just a little bit of extra support can be the thing that changes grades from a C- to a B+ (just ask me, I know!).