Weekend Excursion in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

Hey everyone! I can’t believe it is 2 weeks into the semester, it sure doesn’t feel like it. My first intensive Spanish class has been going so quick (it only lasts 4 weeks) and I can’t believe it’s almost over. We’ve already had our first presentation and test. I can also definitely see the improvement in communication with my host mom, which is a rewarding and awesome feeling.

This past weekend, I went on my second excursion trip to Puerto Viejo, “The Rasta” of Costa Rica. It was a 5 hour drive to the Caribbean Coast. We arrived at about 6pm, and ate a delicious Caribbean style dinner- fish or chicken with coconut infused rice and beans- a great welcome meal to the Caribbean Coast!


Saturday morning, howler monkeys in the distance woke us up, but good thing it was just in time for breakfast! We had croissants, which are a specialty in Puerto Viejo, or Gallopinto (rice and beans and eggs). After, we hopped on the bus to head to Cahuita National Park, where we went snorkeling! We packed onto the boat and had a wavy ride towards a good spot for us to snorkel. We saw fish, a nerd shark, and a stingray! It was my first time snorkeling, and I had a blast! It was an amazing sensation swimming so close to the fish. Afterwards, we headed back to shore where our instructor cut us up some fresh pineapple- so refreshing!


We hung out at the beach afterwards, explored, and went into a natural hot spring that is miles deep. Then, we hiked a trail back to our bus, where we saw howler monkeys up high in the trees. No sloths though. L We headed back to our hotel and ate a Caribbean lunch, I had fish fillet with Caribbean sauce and plantains.

We went to another beach after, about 10 minutes away, called Cocles Beach. It was beautiful and there was a surf competition. We walked back to our hotel and browsed around the town, which is very lively with vendors of jewelry, hair wraps/cornrows, and food. We all went out to a restaurant later where there fire dancers performing, it was so fun to watch!


The next morning we went to Manzanillo Beach, about a half hour away, which had a beautiful hike that lead to a Point Lookout. We laid on the beach and headed back to San Jose.

Now it’s time to get ready for another long school week- 20 hours of Spanish! I’m also starting training for the English Teaching Assistant Program at my University, which will be teaching Costa Ricans English. The training is Monday-Thursday for the next 2 weeks. I’m going to be so busy but it will be so worth it!

Here’s to another school week, everyone!

Pura Vida,
