Why Being a Professional Communications Major is Right for You?

Choosing a major can be extremely difficult. Many students often change their major many times because they feel like they are not in the right one. Trust me, I know from experience. I jumped around between a few majors before I finally found my place in Professional Communications. I was first drawn to this major when I visited Farmingdale for Accepted Students Day. There was when I met with, the department chair, Dr. Vicki Janik.   We talked about all the different jobs you can get with this major and the different classes you will be taking.

For example, if you are interested in becoming a writer or an editor there are many classes that will help prepare you for that. One class you will be required to take is Advanced Writing and Editing. This class is a great class because it teaches you how to write properly. You do a lot of editing in this class and if that is something you are interested in doing this would be a great class for you. The Professors really take the time to teach you how to write properly. This is something that is important for your future no matter what job you go into.


Being a Communications major does not mean you have to be a writer or editor. Some other fields you can go into after you graduate are: business, journalism, finance, publishing, health science, manufacturing and software manufacturing. When you get into the major you can choose to pick a concentration in a certain topic. If you’re kind of interested in business, but not fully sure about it you can pick that as your concentration. One really great class I took was News Writing. My professor was Stone Grissiom. Professor Grissom worked as a news anchor at News 12. It was a fun class because he taught you a lot about what it is like to work on the news. We learned what it is like to write for the news and how it differs from everyday writing. I would recommend this class to anyone who is interested in working in TV or Journalism.

Another class I took was Writing in Health and Disease. This class was interesting because it gave you another prospective on the medical field. We learned a lot about the food industry in this class and we also talked a lot about clinical trials in medicine. This class gives you an inside look on the healthcare and nutrition. Professional Communications is a great major and is something you should look into if you are uncertain about a major to go into. You can go into so many different fields and I believe it is a major you will truly enjoy.

Thanks for reading,

Alyssa deToll