Final Exam Stress: 5 Ways To Beat End Of Semester Anxiety

Its that time of year again! Yes, Winter break! But before we can get all excited and pumped for vacation, we have to get by one last stressful part of school. FINALS. Just the sound of it, makes me so stressed out. Sleepless nights, late coffee runs, textbooks galore. I am sure we all want that A, but do not want to pull our hair in order to get it. I realized, that in order to succeed and do your best, putting an insane amount of pressure on yourself, is not going to benefit you, but give you an adverse affect. So lets take a big deep breath, and just relax.  We do not need to have bald students, due to finals!

Here are 5 ways to beat Final Exam stress:

Go for a Run (But not out of the Exam!)


Going for even a 20-minute run (preferably outside — the cool air will wake you up) releases feel-good endorphins to boost your mood and can help quiet an over-active mind. Try to fit in a quick jog after school and before you start studying so that you can hit the books with a clear mind.

Bake A Healthy Breakfast Treat

Baking, like drawing or playing music, can be a surprisingly soothing activity that helps silence racing thoughts. Try making a healthy, nutrient-packed goodie — like protein-packed pumpkin chia-seed muffins — and you’ll have something fast and brain-fueling to throw into your backpack for breakfast in the morning.

Clean Your Desk

Sometimes de-cluttering your space is all you need to de-clutter your mind. Take an hour or so to totally clear out your desk space (and not just cosmetic cleaning, but really giving it a good scrub), and you’ll create a place that allows you to totally focus.

Create A Detailed Calendar

Include not only exam dates and paper deadlines, but anything else in your life (gift shopping, swim practice, yoga class) that you need to make time for. Even the act of writing it down — and color-coding, if you’re so inclined — will make it all feel more doable.

Sweat It Out

Fexercise-clipartew things are as revitalizing as releasing bodily toxins through a hot yoga class, or if you have access, 30 minutes in a sauna or steam room. Working up a good sweat can make you feel like a new person — just remember to drink lots of water afterwards to stay hydrated.
So lets all just take a deep breath, and succeed! I wish you all the best of luck! And kick some final butt!