With finals week right around the corner, how will you prepare? It’s easy to procrastinate and push aside the studying or paper writing that needs to be done, but I warn you, start early! There are plenty of spots on campus that you can utilize to ensure that you are able to get some study time in, even during your busy week!
Here are some of my favorite spots on campus and why:
– School of Business: the new building has some incredible lounges on each floor. Not only are they quiet, but you get a great view of the campus the higher floor you’re on!
– Campus Center: you’re probably thinking, “yeah right, that’s the noisiest place on campus!”. Across from the Resident Cafeteria is a study room that is great. Lots of students go there, probably even a classmate who you could even study with!
– Greeley Library: the lower level of the library has some secluded studying spots with total peace and quiet, where if you’re looking to really concentrate with no distractions, then this is your place!
– Sinclair Hall: Right outside the Tutor Center is an area with couches that not many students utilize. What’s more convenient than a room right next to the tutor center?! It’s also a quiet area that doesn’t get much foot traffic.
There are plenty of options available on campus to maximize studying, and finals prep, take advantage! It’s not easy to fit studying into a busy schedule but there multiple studying locations that can help you achieve your final grade goals!