
This weekend my roommate and I went to Cardiff, Wales for the day. Racing against the clock we rushed to the Victoria Coach Station only to find out our bus was delayed by a half hour. Once we arrived, we were greeted by the Cardiff castle! I was amazed how it just beautifully sat right in the city centre near all the shops. However, we decided to visit the castle last and start our adventures two miles away at the Cardiff Bay. The bay was a nice experience. It mixed together the two aspects of UK –being on the water, and the countryside- in one. Next to the bay was the Doctor Who experience. Tickets were sold out, but we roamed around the lobby and gift shop, which was still a sight to see. It had awesome statues of characters from the show and lots of cool items to buy. We walked back to the castle, walked along the outsides of it, and then wandered into Bute Park. With fall trees, a flower garden, and an open field of green grass the park was a perfect way to relax from all the walking. I love that studying abroad in London I get to take all these trips, such as Cardiff, for great prices.



Studying abroad is not all just travel. My business classes have kept me very busy. I am currently working on two group projects for my classes, and on top of that have papers that need to be written. I knew the only way I could continue balancing school and travel would be through managing my time wisely and completing my work early. Thanks to time management I am able to balance my businesses classes and travel within Europe. Next stop, Prague and Austria!


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