Joys and Silliness of Living at Home!

We all know that people say that staying in the dorms during college is the best thing, I happen to disagree with this statement. For me, the best thing that I ever did was live at home while I was in college.   In the summer of 2012, I stayed on campus in the dorms for two weeks. I tried the whole dorming thing and it was not for me. The following, in no particular order, are the top five things that I found to be great in the past three years that I have been in college while living at home.

  1. YOU GET TO SLEEP IN YOUR OWN BED! – In those two weeks that I stayed in the dorms, the one thing that I loved about coming home was my own bed. I have had the same bed for 21 years and it the best bed in the world. It is shaped to my body perfectly and I have all of my stuffed animals that I have collected over the years. Nothing is better than your own bed.
  2. FOOD MADE WITH LOVE! –I love food so naturally this is one of my favorite things about living at home. My mom is the best cook that I have ever seen, well next to my Gramma whom my mom learned everything from. Every night it is something different. I hope to one day be as good a Chef as my mom and Gramma.
  3. NO SEPARATION ANXIETY FROM YOUR PETS! –If you are anything like me, then you are obsessed with your pets. My two dogs are my life and I am so happy that I get to see them everyday. They are my best friends and I would not have it any other way.IMG_9766
  4. YOU SAVE A TON OF MONEY! –When I did the math, it was cheaper to pay for the parking sticker once a year than having to take out another loan. My wallet and bank account thank me every year.
  5. YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY THE ONES YOU LOVE MOST! – When it comes down to it, family is the most important thing. Being able to come home everyday and seeing my family is one of the best parts of the day. It is the best when I have a bad day and I know that I can just come home and know that everything is going to be okay.

I hope that you liked my top 5 for this week! I would love to know what you think the best part about commuting, or if you dorm, is! Stay tuned for more!


Fare and be well; let the words be yours for I am done with mine.

Rammy Liv 🙂