Many people make the mistake of viewing college as strictly academic. A lot of people only go to class in a handful of lecture halls then go home. There is so much more to this campus if you decide to explore and interact with others. College can be stressful, and even though we have difficult coursework, there is still a time and place for fun and social activities. Farmingdale State College is full of diverse students, different organizations, and elite academic programs. When you first come here for a tour, although very informative, it is still just a glimpse of what we have to offer. As you spend more time on the campus as a student you gain a different perspective. If you get involved more you will experience new activities, meet new people, and discover new places. I am extremely comfortable with my knowledge of the campus compared to the first time I came here. Here are some of the things I have learned since Freshman year that truly improved my college experience.

Sometimes you need a quiet place to study, or just sit down and relax. I first learned about the Teaching Gardens during my freshman orientation. They are located behind Thompson Hall, and there is another entrance in the University Police parking lot. Your visit will be best when the weather is good and the plants are in full bloom during the early fall semester or late spring. It is truly a beautiful experience to feel the cool breeze, smell the flowers, and hear the birds chirping. Even better if you bring a friend. There is a Horticulture program at the college and they work very hard to maintain the grounds and develop elaborate displays across the campus. If you want to take explore the campus, definitely pay a visit to the teaching gardens. Another good place to relax is the MADD garden. This is a memorial that stands for Mothers Against Drunk Driving and it is located in between Greenley and Hale. The garden is very symbolic and is dedicated to students and families whose lives have been affected by drunk driving. It is usually not too busy and is a calm place to sit down and reflect. Another thing that not too many people know about is that there are a ton of resources inside of Roosevelt Hall. There is a free gym with plenty of weights and cardio equipment, the Loft Lounge for dancing and yoga/group classes, and the Ram’s Den where students can play pool and socialize. Other places include the Disability Services Center and the Office for Veteran’s Services. The next place that very few people know about is especially appealing for aspiring entrepreneurs; the Small Business Development Center. It is located between the campus center and Thompson Hall, and behind the Amphitheatre. They will provide you with advisement, education, and networking. Also, if you need printer access, the library is not the only location. We also have computer labs on the first and second floors of Whitman.

These are just a few recommendations for you to take advantage of. There are many more places to see and things to do on campus and you will learn as you get to know people and explore. By the time you graduate from Farmingdale, you will know this campus like the back of your hand. There is always a lot going on, especially during activity hour. There are tons of clubs and organizations that appeal to a wide range of interests. Get involved, make new friends, and make the most out of your experience here at Farmingdale State College. You’ll be glad you did!