When I first became a student at Farmingdale, you could say I was more focused on succeeding academically than joining a club. I knew it would be a great opportunity to make a few friends my first year here but I was afraid that it would interfere with my studies. It was until I started getting countless emails from this club sent to everyone in the computer program and systems major. I figured it couldn’t hurt to go to one meeting and see if I would enjoy the people and atmosphere. Next thing I knew, I ended up staying long enough to get to know the club itself, share my ideas, and assist them with club ideas. The second semester, I earned the role of treasurer due to my hard work in only one semester! The organization is informative and fun to go to whether you plan to join or check out with a friend.
The Women in Computing club of Farmingdale State College is about bringing equal opportunity to students majoring under the school of business! The name was chosen to express the lack of woman programmers and technicians in the work field or the lack of credit they get for their work. However, this club is not limited to only women; anyone is free to join! President and founder, Margo Romero, welcomes Noma Nayyar as Vice President, Erica Lopez as Secretary, Ineze Thompson as Treasurer (me!), and Sara Mohip as the Social Media Manager. Not only do they hold meetings frequently but they also give advice and help to newcomers at every meeting. Over one hundred students attended the “Cookies, Cupcakes && CODE” event held in the Campus Center Ballrooms where several students and alumni presented their very own projects, websites, apps and even a robot! Guest Speaker, Cynthia Hoskey, shared her exciting journey on how she ended up at the company of her dreams. In April, some students will be attending the NYCWiC 2017 Conference being held in upstate, Henrietta, New York. BCS students Daniela Alvarez Ulloa and Samantha Andrea will be presenting their own technical research. There are other events such as resume building seminars and pizza parties and much more offered at this club.
The club is growing everyday as more and more people interested in business want to join. Even though I’ve only been in this club for 8 months, I’ve not only learned how to make my first résumé, network at a conference in New York City, and help out at a bake sale to raise money for our club. Joining this club has helped me learn a lot. Participation in student groups provides allows you to get to know a group of classmates, faculty members, particular interest you may have that could lead to a potential major, or celebrate or spread your culture for others. Involving myself in this club has allowed me to spread out more and join more programs, like Rambassadors. Hopefully in the next 3 years I’ll not only make more clubs, but also make more friends along the way.