Obtaining an internship in the business management department at Farmingdale State College is fairly easy if you put in the time and effort. Of course at the beginning of your journey things are going to seem very difficult and very stressful, but that’s exactly what my blog post is here to assist you with. In order to start your search for the perfect internship, there’s only one person you need to keep in mind at all times when you have a question or concern: Ms. Michelle Kriegel, who is the internship coordinator for the business management internship program. Her phone number is 631– 794–6203 and her email is kriegem@Farmingdale.edu. Her office hours are Monday through Thursday from 8 AM to 4 PM and she is located in the school of business in room 305. Michelle Kriegel is one of the most helpful women I have met within the business management program itself. She is very dedicated to her job and her students as well, making sure they reach their full potential and find the perfect internship. I recall her working with me for one internship in specific which was a very difficult internship to obtain but she still spent a lot of time and effort and countless amount of hours working to perfect my application and cover letter. Most internships in general require a 3.5 GPA, however, some internships differ depending on the position.
One thing though is that internships are mostly for juniors and seniors because in order to obtain an internship in the business management program, a student must have at least 60 credits completed at Farmingdale State College. If a student has not yet completed 60 credits there are other options for them to prepare for the upcoming search for the perfect internship, such as one on one internship advising or professional development workshops offered by the business management program. A student can apply by going to www.farmingdale.edu/business/business_management/internship – application.shtml. Once your application has been submitted, Michelle Kriegel, the internship coordinator, will reach out to you and make an appointment. You don’t have to even apply; you can simply contact her by emailing her or calling her at her office number and saying that you are interested in applying for an internship to get the process started. After you and Michelle have a meeting and you find and apply to an internship or several that you’re interested in, you will be called back for an interview. After the interview, whether you have been accepted or not will come the delegations of hours, requirements, and etc.
One thing that is very important and you must keep in mind is that having an internship is like a full-time job. My advice for someone who wants to complete an internship is that you should take it in the summertime as it can get very hectic during the semester. I was an event coordinating intern at Nassau BOCES for the fall 2016 semester. I absolutely loved my position and everything that the organization had to offer. However, my only regret is that I didn’t talk to my supervisor about fixing my hours. I thought I could handle the amount of hours she gave me but in reality I couldn’t, and found myself very stressed out and very and going back-and-forth between the internship requirements and my regular homework. Keep in mind that if you do a credit bearing internship there is extra work as well along with attending your internship on site, such as timesheets and weekly journals that must be completed. There is also a final exam that must be submitted online. The class is run by Michelle Kriegel herself and she is very flexible but the workload may get a lot if one is taking at least three classes already.
An internship has many benefits, including the biggest benefit that I found for my internship, which was exposing me to the field I actually wanted to go in. I’ve always wanted to do event coordinating and I loved the position I was working for. However, at my internship they exposed me to a lot of marketing which instantly fell in love with. It made me question what field I actually wanted to go in. I think this is one of the biggest benefits that a student can obtain from an internship because you realize that you are about to wet your feet into the field you potentially could go in for the rest of your life. Having said that, I think completing an internship for a student is one of the biggest achievements that they can accomplish, and certainly is an eye-opening experience in many ways.