Applying to medical school is a daunting task; it is process that is done over a few years. In just four years, you are expected, by medical school standards, to be thoroughly prepare to begin to learn how to care for others.
However, as confusing the steps may seem, it is something anyone can easily manage. If becoming a doctor who practices medicine is a goal in your mind, gathering information about the process is the easiest thing you can do. Applicants who apply to programs are sometimes discouraged by their grades. Competitiveness is a concept that is especially applied towards the medical profession. Jobs in this field are both dynamic and have high availability. There are three tracks you can take to receive a medical degree. Most-known would have to be a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), it is more of your traditional doctor route. Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.) was a profession formed of equal standing to the M.D. with a tendency towards treating the patient as a whole. International Medical Graduate(I.M.G.) is for those who want to travel to a new country, programs may or may not be accredited (be wary). IMG programs are less competitive, but still tough to get in.
All of the programs mentioned require ample preparation before entering. Application preparation services such as AMCAS, AACOMAS, TMDSAS require the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) before finishing your application. Most applicants tend to take the MCAT during their junior year in the spring semester. Taking your exam as early as possible will allow you to gauge your competitiveness along with your GPA and will determine if you need to retake the exam.
Creating an excellent personal statement is one of the longest processes as this lets medical schools know why you want to become a doctor. There should be multiple drafts and written as well as different critics. This can only be submitted once, so be sure to perfect it. Dig deep and take ample amount of time. Applications open around May but cannot be submitted until June. Submitting your application later in the cycle will delay verification and can lessen your chance of gaining a spot in one of the most competitive programs.
Also remember, you will have to apply a year before you plan to enter.
For example, if you plan to attend medical school in Fall of 2018, you must submit an application from June 2017 – September 2017 (dates may be later). As in undergraduate, there is an Early Decision program, the benefit is knowing where you will be attending, but you will be bound to that program.
A thing to worry about in terms of resources is money, applying is expensive. Similar to waivers for when applying to undergraduate programs, the Fee Assistant Program (FAP:
) grants several items to be used when applying. If approved, you gain access to the Medical School Admissions Requirement online resource that is produced by the AAMC. This is a compilation of all current medical school programs that include useful information such as, cost, average GPA/MCAT , mission and any additional requirements.
With the Farmingdale CSTEP program I was able to attend a graduate school tour. On this tour I got to talk to admission representatives and current M.D. students. This opportunity gave great insight towards what medical school is like. You will also receive a 50% reduced price when registering for the MCAT exam. One of the other important perks is the fee waiver for sending your application up to 15 medical schools, you can send more, however you will be charged. Some medical schools may acknowledge this and waive secondary applications.
Depending on the program, there are secondary applications that require essays, these are used to gain additional information about the candidate. After receiving notification for these, there should be a three to seven day turn around.
Earning basic skills requires participation in different areas of the community especially to recall from during interviews and any writing done for your application. Learning through academics, community and volunteer service enable you to become a well-rounded person. In my previous blog, I mentioned participating in summer programs. Year round, searching for other opportunities begins to introduce yourself into the real world.
Many nursing homes recruit volunteers to assist in their various programs. One program that I submitted an application to was Broadlawn Manor Nursing Home. Participating with the physical therapy department grants you the opportunity to have a flexible schedule and still get patient-care hours. Hospitals may be easier options to find, however because of liability, they limit the interaction with patients.
Medical Scribes, Emergency Medical Technicians are also a few more jobs that you can work to further your character. It is imperative that you gain shadowing opportunities and patient care to make sure you are ready to enter a profession that requires a lot of hard work, time and patience.
A lot of this information was acquired for my current pursuit of applying to medical school. Come attend one of the Pre-Health Profession Club meetings, look on RamCentral/OrgSync for more information. Please contact me with any questions my email is Thank you for reading my blog and good luck on your own pursuits.