When I was 14 years old my father asked me if I wanted to become a doctor, an engineer or a lawyer. At that age, I innocently told my father that I wanted to become a doctor. From that point on I have tried to improve my knowledge of science in any ways possible. Such as volunteering at Nassau University Medical Center, taking AP Biology, and taking Biology SAT just so I could become a doctor. Then I went ahead and applied to Farmingdale State College as a Bioscience major in hope of becoming a successful doctor.
In the Fall of 2013, I entered Farmingdale State College as a Bioscience major. I felt a sense of pride that I made it into college. However, I was exposed to a new responsibility and I felt pressured into planning my future at 18 years old. I saw many changes in the first semester of freshman year. I took my first biology class and it was the first of the many science requirement to becoming a doctor. I was miserable sitting through hours of lectures, lab, diagrams, molecular biology and microscopes and all other biology stuffs. I unknowingly enrolled in the Bioscience major to satisfy my father. Even though I managed to pass the course with an A, I knew that I would not be happy as a doctor.
When struggling to decide what to do with my college career, I came across a girl, who later become my best friend. She was a freshman as well but she was so sure about her major, Computer Programming and Information Systems or CPIS. Until I met her, I did not know anything about the IT field and the more I spoke to her, the more I became interested. I knew I was not a computer person, but I was very intrigued. I immediately made an appointment to meet with my advisor at Academic Advisement and Information Center or AAIC. I made the appointment few weeks before spring registration just so I could have some time to think or change my mind.
I went to meet my adviser with hesitance because I assumed that she would force me to stay in the major I truly disliked. To my surprise my advisers was happy for me. She encouraged me to change my major and to explore my curiosity. She took out my paperwork and made sure I had the grades to change my major. After that it was an easy process; just a matter of filling out the curriculum change form, getting it signed and approved by the CPIS department. Soon after, I went ahead to register classes for my Spring 2014 semester. I ended up registering for two computer classes.
During the Spring of 2014, I was in two computer classes with my best friend. My friend had a passion for technology and programming which I lacked. I felt so disappointed half way into the semester because I was unable to learn the computer language. I did not want to quit midway, so I went to my professors and to the tutoring center for more assistance. Almost closer to end of semester, I realized that I lacked the passion everyone else had but then again I did not want to give up after taking two computer class. After passing the two class, I went ahead to register for two computer classes for the Fall 2014 semester.
During the Fall of 2014 semester, I started to stress out more with my inability to learn the programming languages such as C++. As the semester progressed, I grew less and less interested and more stressed. Only then I realized that I need to find my true passion and my strength. I took few days to think about what I made me happy. Soon after, I made an appointment with my adviser once again to change my major. I sat with my adviser to learn about other majors our campus provided which would best suit me. After a long discussion I understood that I was happy in my liberal arts classes. I enjoyed interacting with people, analyzing situation, finding solution to problems and being socially active. I found my place in the STS Major: Science, Technology and Society. Once again, my adviser checked my grades and filled out the change of curriculum form. The next day I took it to the STS department to be signed and to be approved.
STS Major has exposed to a variety of fields such as Psychology, Anthropology, Computer Science and Business Management. After going through the process of changing my major twice in the past three years, it only helped me discover who I am. Now I am a second semester Junior, and I only have to finish seven classes to graduate in May 2017. I am currently looking into internship with an organization that deals with immigration issues in the United States. I have created networks with professors and coordinators of many organization that deals with social issues. I am in a place where I feel I can succeed using my knowledge acquired from my STS Major. I am confident and happy now than I was three years ago. College is a truly a place for us to explore who you are and the advisers are here to help us succeed. We just have to take the first step and speak to them regarding our issues.