DIY College Dorm Room

Tired of staring at the same bland walls all day? As many people know Pinterest is a perfect outlet when feeling inspired and creative. When it comes to exactly what you can craft, a quote of Cady Heron can easily answer that question: “The limit does not exist.”

There are hundreds of seasonal crafts to change up your room with fall, holiday and winter decorations throughout the semester to feel at home and keep up with the holiday spirit. Two stores I think are always worth visiting when considering crafting on a college budget is Walmart and the local Dollar Tree. Both are under a ten-minute drive and if you don’t have a car they are a short bus ride away. If you’re unsure where they are just look it up on Google maps for directions and you’re on your way.


Now for the fun part, the decision is yours! If your feet hurt or are cold in the winter, you can crochet a rug. Missing some friends from back home and feeling homesick? Hang up a bunch of pictures, printed out from Facebook/Instagram and put them on your wall. You can hang them up with clothespins on a string that dangles like a party banner above your bed or create a collage. Running out of room your tiny closet, make a shoe rack out of wood or PVC pipes.


Some suggestions that I found most useful were making a key hanger by the door so I never misplaced my key in a quick shuffle in naps between classes and having a calendar\erase board next to my desk so I never missed an important test or fun event going on at campus. You can play around with these crafts by adding a wooden frame where your keys hang from. Simply paint the color of your room scheme and glue some fabric behind the frame. As for the wall-mounted organizer/calendar, you can add corkboard beside it to attach pictures, posters, and flyers to it.


I hope that this has helped inspire you to embrace your crafty side and inspired you to look into your next challenge. Good luck and happy crafting!


Thanks for reading,

Erin Reichert