6 Tips to help you Deal with Snowy and Rainy Weather

Having class during a snowy or raining day can be a hassle. It can cause problems with your commute or can make for an eventful day on campus if you’re unprepared. So, I am going to give you a few tips and trick to help you prepare for a cold or wet weather.


  1.  Wake up earlier than usual. 

If you know it will be snowy or raining.  Give yourself extra time to get to class in the morning because there will most likely be traffic.

  1.  Start up your car a few minutes before you go to clean it off.

Many times I have gone outside and my car has been a sheet of ice. If you start up your car it will be easier to clean off. Also it will be quicker because the ice will start melting.

  1. Gas up your car the night before. 

If you know there will be snow or a rainstorm make sure you have enough gas in your car. This way you don’t have to worry about getting it in bad weather.

  1. Always come to campus prepared.

Make sure when you arrive to campus you have proper rain or snow gear. Most of your day will be spent walking to class. So, it’s always a good idea to bring an umbrella if you know it is going to rain.

  1. Sign up for Farmingdale RAVE alerts.

Rave alerts tell you when class is cancelled or if we have a delayed opening. They are really convenient because you get a text sent straight to your phone.

  1. The most important rule of all: Drive Carefully. 

Always drive carefully. Many more car accidents happen in bad weather. Don’t rush or speed to school because you are afraid you are going to be late because the weather is bad. It’s better to be safe than sorry.


Thanks for reading!

Alyssa deToll