Living the college life has been a dream of everyone from the day they turn fifteen. The parties, the atmosphere, the freedom; what could be any better? My college experience was a little different than what I expected it to be when I was in high school. The four years of college I have experienced here at FSC, have taught me what its like to be able to manage many different tasks at one time. I think it was the right choice for me to come to Farmingdale because I am able to manage work, school, extracurricular activities, and most importantly my social life.
Entering into my last semester at Farmingdale is such an unbelievable feeling. While the pressure is still on to complete my work, a sense of relief, anxiety, and happiness are all starting to set in. All my experiences at Farmingdale are all starting to shuffle back in my head, reminding me to take full advantage of all that is ahead of me.
The concerns for our generation are evolving so fast that it’s almost hard to keep up with. Here are a few things that I have discovered are helpful to the average college student of my era, and hopefully few tips can help you get through your college experience:
- Stay on track with what’s really important to you, and kill it while you’re doing it.
- Always keep some Chapstick handy because you’re always gonna wish you had it with you.
- Not everyone is going to like you, and it’s important to realize that early. Dedicate your time to the people who do care, and forget about the ones who don’t.
- If you want that extra brownie, eat it. It won’t kill you.
- Paying with a debit card is overrated; always keep an emergency 20$ in your wallet.
- Never let your emotions make crucial decisions for you. Clear eyes, full heart, can’t lose.
- Don’t Keep up with the Kardashians, keep up with your school work.
- Travel. Travel. Travel. Anywhere, anytime. You’re not always going have the time to explore and observe the world around you, so take advantage of it in your college years.
- Four years goes by way faster than you think; don’t take it for granted.
- Giving back is so much more rewarding than you’d think. Take the time to do something for someone else because it will mean so much more in the future.
- There’s never just one more episode on Netflix, so put down that computer; its final’s week.
- Stay organized!!!!!!! It’s so much easier to find everything you need when you know where it’s supposed to be.
- Always make time for family. No if’s, and’s or buts.
- Quality > Quantity.
- It’s so important to have fun in college, life doesn’t have to revolve around schoolwork all the time. Take the time to do things for you that make you happy, smile, and appreciate your time.
Some of the important lessons I’ve learned at Farmingdale have helped me figure out what kind of life I want to lead in the future. Had I learned these things a little earlier in my life, who knows where I would be?
I think my favorite thing that I have learned over four years, and have discovered my senior year, is that there is always room for improvement. Learning not to settle is something that I will take with me for the rest of my life. With my schoolwork, relationships, my personal life, my career, etc., I can always become a better person and encourage people to become a better version of themselves. I think it is one of the more important aspects of college to learn who you are as a person, as it is to get your degree.
The next step is taking all these life lessons and applying them into my everyday life. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me, and how my college experiences prepared me for my life ahead. In four more years, I want to be able to write down more tips for myself to see how much I’m evolving as an adult in the real world. Senior year is one of the most hectic times in your college life. Always remember to stick to what’s important to you, and to keep an open mind.
-Lauren Liegmann, Senior.