Hey there my fellow Rammies,
Now that we are starting the spring semester, I am going to give you tips about how to purchase all of your textbooks without burning a hole in your pocket. No one wants to buy 1 textbook for $100 and another for $200, so here’s the method to the madness that I use and it works every time.
First I look on OASIS to see if my professors posted the required textbooks with our campus bookstore. I write down the book information (Title, author, publisher, edition & ISBN). Then I take down the school’s price for it. Next I go onto amazon to see how much it is on there to either buy used or rent. In case you didn’t know, Amazon has this thing call Amazon Prime Student membership where you can get FREE 2-day shipping (This has helped me out a lot!). Next I visit Chegg.com to see what their prices are on the books I need (They also send coupons and sometimes free items for college students with the textbooks). After I do all of this, I look to see who has the cheapest prices for each book as well as for all of my books.
Even though I do this prior to my classes, I wait until my first class to see what the professor wants us to purchase because sometimes the edition at the bookstore is wrong or they never use a textbook. So my recommendation is to start looking at prices and then order after your first day of classes. Most professors don’t expect you to have the textbooks for the first week of class so you’ll have time to buy them after class, however, if you end up with a professor who assigns homework the first day of class, you can visit our library in Greenley hall to borrow your textbook (if the book is over $100) for 2-hours at a time.
Well, there you have it! My secret to buying textbooks, and usually I end up paying less than $100 for all my books. If you need any help finding something, let me know and I’ll be more than happy to help you.
Your money-saving-Rambassador,
Kaitlyn M.