Week 7 in London

Crazy weather this week in London! This past week, it was typical sporadic rain showers during the day with minor winds. Then the past couple of days, were absolutely stunning, and close to 70 almost! To me, 70 means a t-shirt and jeans, to Europeans, it means jeans, sweaters and scarfs! Seeing what they wear, makes me feel like I am totally underdressed when I am actually  super hot!


The last few days have been so nice and have made me want to spend all my time outdoors! However, I have had some big group projects which are a big thing here, that have taken up a lot of my afternoon free time. One of my favorite things to do while I am here is go for a run around my neighborhood. It’s a great way to explore my surrounding area and I am always surprised because I discover a new cafe or park! It makes London feel a lot smaller because while I am running I come across new routes that I can take to walk places.

Halloween was just a regular day here! I only saw about 5 people dressed up, and here dressing up means painting their faces as vampires, zombies or a skull. No trick or treaters, no massive candy sale, just a normal day, I was quite surprised! I am hoping that Thanksgiving won’t be that disappointing! Some restaurants are already advertising Thanksgiving meals, but at a very expensive price tag with it. I think me and some other Americans from the program will try to have a mini-sized meal at our flat. This weekend I head to Czech Republic, and Austria for a nice weekend excursion!