This week in London, I had some of my first assignments due. Since they don’t do tests every few weeks like in America, they have 1-2 major assignments throughout the semester. My first assignment was for my Brand Management class. Instead of handing your papers directly to professors, you hand them into the Universities Undergraduate Office, your professor doesn’t even know if you’ve handed it in until the undergraduate office gives it to them! Before you hand it in you must print out a special cover sheet with a personalized bar code on it, and once you have your cover sheet you can then hand it to undergraduate office who scans it, and you get an email that it has been handed in successfully, so different, right?! I have a lot more assignments coming up and sometimes it can be a overwhelming to think about how many papers at one time I have due. Luckily though I have access to some world renown places to study including museum cafés, cozy shops and London’s massive British Library. I have become so accustomed to the currency here (pound) and culture that I don’t even bother going to Starbucks, I choose the British brand Costa Coffee over it! I’m basically a real local 🙂 I love to run, and one of the best ways for me to start my day is by going for a sunrise run! (I probably sound crazy, I know).
The other day I went for a sunrise run, and ending up running to River Thames, which is the big river that runs right through London. On the river there are many bridges, and I got to watch the sunrise from a bridge called Blackfriars Bridge. It was so beautiful, see picture below, because it is hard to put into words the glorious colors of the sky. Before the sunrise there was basically no one on the streets, totally different to New York where it is busy 24/7. After the sunrise however, the streets were packed! I had no idea where they all came from, some streets I was running in and out of people. That’s why I like sunrise runs, no ones there to get in your way. This weekend I head to Budapest, Hungary! I booked this trip about 2 months ago, it’s crazy that it’s already here, time is flying!