First of all, I hope everyone has enjoyed their first month back on campus and are doing well in their classes. My name is Kaitlyn Mackey and I am a first semester junior in the Visual Communications major. This year is all about doing new things for me, especially since I will be graduating next year (gulp!). So I have a lot to do until then.
Besides all the classes I’m taking this semester, I also am involved in quite a few organizations. The one that I have been doing the longest is at the Long Island Feline Adoption Center in Smithtown. I volunteer there in my spare time (what little I have, lol!), in order to help the kitties, who are in our care, find a “furever” home to call their own. I have been volunteering for the past 3 years and I absolutely love the atmosphere and the other volunteers that work there (plus I get to spend time playing and snuggling with cute kitties!).
As for organizations on campus, I am involved with the Rambassadors and have been a part of it since the program began in the spring of 2013. I have given a lot of tours, especially at Open House and Student Acceptance Day. I loved meeting potential classmates and their families as well as talking about our school and its interesting history.
This fall semester I joined the organization called Ladies Respectively Innovating (LRI) and I am one of the clubs Historians. Being a Vis Comm student, I had to take a photography course so I just purchased a DSLR camera (for those of you who don’t know what that stands for, it basically means that I can change the lens on the camera). So with my new camera, I will be capturing memories of the awesome events that LRI will be holding, just like the one that’s coming up soon!
One last thing about this year that has gotten me so psyched is that I am now a work study for Alumni Relations. It’s been awesome to work with a great staff and help get things ready for many events, such as Homecoming! This year is going to be so much fun, I cannot wait until October 18th! So, I hope your year has been as exciting as mine has been so far and I can’t wait to tell you more.
Now, I must bid you adieu until our paths cross again!
~Kaitlyn M.