Spring Break 2014!
Who is excited? I know I am.
This is the time of the year that really puts in perspective how fast the semester is going. After spring break, we only have a month and a half left of school. It is like, where did the semester go. It is actually kind of sad. Even though I am very excited to get some much TLC from studying and work, the time really does go by way to fast and I know I will miss it when school is over. Anyway aside from being all sappy and sad, I am going to have a very delightful spring break. Well, I hope so at least. Some of my friends and I are going out east to stay in one of my friends beach house. This is going to be so much fun, because we are going to go hiking, shopping in the Hamptons, eat at all these cute restaurants and just have an awesome time chilling with each other down by the beach. I want to show some of my friends Montauk manner, and all the scenery in the area. Out east is so pretty and watching the sunset is so different than watching it on this side of the island. You literally can just take in all the beauty of nature, and it is so peaceful. This spring break I am going to be able to realize and chill out from this hectic semester. It feels like I am always on the go. So to be able to just take it easy for a week is going to feel amazing. I cannot wait for this spring break, and am so excited to be able to go out east with my friends and just veg, like a vegetable 😉