I’m Back! Stronger and with a lot of interesting posts to my dear readers!
Hello All. It’s been a while, but a I wanted to share with you what I’ve been up to. This semester I started “Chinese I” or 中国!
I’ve been studying Mandarin Chinese for a couple of years (I don’t consider myself a native speaker 🙂 ) and love it. I started to study in the Dominican Republic where I graduated from the basic Chinese course offered by the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo. I stopped for a while when I entered college, but now that I transfered to Farmingdale, I’m able to refresh and continue the learning process of this beautiful, interesting and sometimes difficult, language.
Yes, I know that most of you think I am crazy… But regardless of its complexity, Mandarin has a inexplicable beauty! (You need to like random things in order to understand me). The point is, some people don’t know how important it is to speak this language.
If you are asking yourself.. why is she studying Mandarin? I will take the time to answer .
There are various reasons and I listed them as follow:
- I love languages and Mandarin Chinese is the most widely-spoken language in the world
- As a business student, I will have a huge advantage in tapping into the Chinese market. It is much easier to develop all-important relationships if you can speak Mandarin.
- I always wanted to travel to China or Taiwan and getting around is much easier if you can speak Mandarin.
Now, to get you more enthusiastic about the course.. Let’s learn a couple of words in Mandarin!
Learn Chinese : Greetings in Chinese, Ni Hao, Zao Shang Hao
谢谢 (xiè xie) Thank you Guys for reading my post!!! See you soonVR ♥