The transition from student to employee
is a different experience for everyone, but we all hope to make it. I am in my last semester at Farmingdale State College before graduating. I am going to blog about my experience during this period of transition and my process over the next few weeks. The first step is something I started working on earlier in my college experience.
I will start this post by giving a definition
Groom (7) to prepare for a position, election, etc.: The mayor is being groomed for the presidency.
My major at Farmingdale State College is Computer Programming and Information Systems. It is under the School of Business. There are many career options for my major out in the world. The range is everything including: web development, software development, computer networking, data warehousing and more. Before I can think of trying to get a job I need to decide what direction I want to go. This is where the grooming comes into place. I want to try to groom myself for a sub-field to help me narrow down my dream job. If I don’t I will be the proverbial jack-of-all-trades master of none.
I have decided to groom myself for mobile application development (Making Apps for Smartphones). This was not an easy task, as the college doesn’t offer much for this rather new field. There was one available class offered to me for mobile application development. I took this class last semester and have done quite a bit of self-study. I have also taken any class I thought could be relevant in my major. This is the first step in finding an ideal career.
I hope if you are a freshman, sophomore, junior or first semester senior, that you think about this, and try to implement it in your education. Continue reading my blog for more tips and to see my transition into employment.