Hello and Happy 2014!! Can you believe that another year has passed? I am sorry that it has been a while since the last time I posted a blog but finals and the holidays got in the way. Don’t worry because I am back and I have bunch of new quotes for you guys! Are you ready? Here we go!
Remember when we were little and we were taught The Golden Rule: treat others the way in which you would want to be treated? It was a simple statement that we all learned; yet some of us forgot about it as we became older. The shear fact that we forget this scares me. What is going to happen to the world if we continue down this path, and we don’t stop being so self-centered? We are all so concerned with ourselves and what we want that we don’t see the people that need help. Because of this, the quote for this week is, “Pay it forward”.
I am going to give you a challenge. For one day, try to help three people, any three people. You cannot take anything for that deed that you did. It could be as simple as opening the door for the person behind you or helping your parents before they ask you. The feeling of self-pride, the feeling that you did something for someone else, should be reward enough. If you help one person and that person helps another person and so on and so forth, who knows what this world could turn out to be. All it takes is one person to start something, and it could start a chain reaction or, as some people call it, the domino effect.
YOU have the power to change the world with one random act of kindness at a time.
That is all for now folks. I must go and find a new quote for next week.
From Farmingdale State College this is
Rammy Liv signing off,
Fare and be well; let the words be yours for I am done with mine.