Halloween Style: College Edition

So who is excited for Halloween? I know I am! Are you the type of person who picks out their costume weeks in advance like me, or are you the type of person who leaves it to the last minute? If you haven’t had the chance to pick out your costume, here are some Halloween costume ideas for men and women:

  1. Wouldn’t you just love walking around campus dressed up in a Racy BANANA costume! It is fun, and will you will definitely get commented on! “Your banana peel is coming off” “Your Epidermis is showing”
  2. Now this is clearly for the females, but if you’re a guy and want to dress up as a Sexy Cat, more power to ya!  This costume allows you to let your inner feline and sassiness out!                                                    Free-shipping-Sexy-Black-Cat-Costume-2012-CostumesCheap-Animal-Cat-Costumes-Sexy-Halloween-Christmas-Dress-On
  3. Now who wants to go back in time, when love was shared with everyone? If you wanna feel the love, peace and sing to Bob Marley, the hippie costume is just for you!                             image.phpsexy-flower-child-hippie-costume
  4. Who wants some honey? If you do, than you should buzz over and get the Bumblebee costume! You have the option to spice it up, by making the costume fun and flirty with over the knee socks and a short skirt or tutu, or you can go the sweet and cute direction with the costume, by wearing a cute black and yellow dress, with pigtails.01032804.detail.a
  5. Do you like to fly, fly away? If you wanna have fun with colors and makeup, than the butterfly costume would fit you perfectly. When you are flying through campus, make sure to stop and say hi if you see me!01069863.interactive.a
  6. If you want a fun and inexpensive costume idea, get oak tag, cut the middle out and write most wanted on the top. You can go around the campus being a fugitive & setting A High Reward For Your Capture.costume-wanted-570x6001
  7. Now lets go back to the classics, you be blue and I will be pink. Its Crayola time! Being a crayon is so much fun, because you can dress up with all your friends, and give the friend you like least, the ugliest color! Just kidding, don’t do that. That is mean. 😉m6cI0Ogvq4Ae0Yx5W8eq_2A couples-crayola-costumes
  8. Who remembers being apart of the brownies or boy scouts when they were younger?? I do!!!! A fun costume would be to dress up as a boy scout or girl scout. You can wear your sash and do good deeds for the day. If you wanna spice it up, you can go for the sexy versions, which contain more boy or girl and less scout! Lolnaughty-girl-scout-costume
  9. Who saw the movie Dumb and Dumber? If you did and liked it, why don’t you dress up with your buddy and be really dumb for a day! This is the day to do stupid things and blame it on your costume! DumbandDumberGroupDresses_zps2ce0ed1a dumb-and-dumber-lloyd-orange-tuxedo-and-harry-blue-tuxedo-couples-costume
  10. Have you ever wondered where the heck is Waldo! I know I have! Why don’t you dress up as Waldo, and I will try to spot you in the crowed! Remember, there is compensation for me finding you!                                                              Screen-Shot-2012-10-11-at-3.55.36-PM
  11. For all you girls who want to be daring for Halloween, go with the playboy bunny costume! It sure will turn some heads, and get you a plethora amount of compliments! “This is the one day of the year, that you can dress up as a slut and not be judged about it!”- Mean Girls. Take advantage of it ladies!! $(KGrHqF,!qUFB,Dn+!HMBQYOy8o1Yw~~60_35
  12. So for all the people who saw the 2013 VMA, I think we can all agree that Mileys performance, was umm… maybe just a little bit out there… If you feel like you wanna be out there for this Halloween, then this costume is the perfect one for you! You can dress up as Miley Cyrus and your partner can dress up as Robin Thicke. If he is reluctant to dress up, you can tell him to remember that Miley was all over Robin that night, and you have to reenact the performance.. I am sure he will change his mind real quick!                                d5be29711428e464eb19b983bf5a1e69
  13. Potato!!!! If you know what I mean! Those little yellow minions from Despicable me 1 and 2 still have me laughing, and screaming potato at random times! If you wanna be silly and adorably cute, please be a minion!!! You will get a ton of hugs!!! I am sure of it!!!!                                                                    $T2eC16d,!yUFI,h2HOmZBSW09s8+sQ~~60_35889722
  14. What did I just hear? Are you selling illegal drugs?! Why don’t you give it a go this Halloween, and dress up as the characters from breaking bad! Let out your inner Bad A**! (No illegal drug use or selling please)breaking bad hazmat suits halloween
  15. Heres an oldie but goodie…. What about the characters from Monsters University!! Are you nerdy and corny like Mike, or jock like and tough like Sully? Why don’t you dress up as one so we all can find out!tumblr_mt2pysTUqE1qbltquo1_500 13637095

All of these costume ideas that I just listed can be done inexpensively with items that you already have. So if you are on a budget, and don’t want to spend that extra money on a costume that you are only gonna wear once, you can pair some stuff together, to get the same look, and maybe even better. We college kids have to stay on a budget, and are cost conscious. These costume ideas can be improvised and wont put a damper on your wallet.

*If you have any other costume ideas you would like to share, please feel free to comment. I would and I am sure others would love to hear them as well.*

Just a little tip**

Halloween is a lot of fun, there are parties, haunted houses and theme parks to attend. Just make sure you are always safe and careful, no matter where you are! You want to have fun and enjoy this night, not regret it. Don’t do anything stupid that you will regret in the morning!  Please be safe, be aware of your surroundings and have Fun!!

Have A Happy Halloween