Can’t believe this semester is over already!
I had a ton of fun and yes, a lot of work to do during our past Spring ’13 semester. I met so many great people on campus. I was given a Campus Life Award due to my campus involvement. I just love Farmingdale.
The school has improved so much. So many people were involved on campus activities despite the hectic and tedious semester. I remember not having slept for almost a week during finals week. I had to study for my Calculus Final. Then, I had to turn in my final design project. By the way, I designed a non-denominational chapel “to be built on campus”. Then, my Electrical and Plumbing final. Yes, Electrical. I was so proud of myself. I was the very first one to finish and complete my final. I had study for dead hours. I was ready to kill that test! Then, my Arabic test. We had to translate long sentences from Arabic to English and vice-versa. I really liked this final. Translating is something I enjoy doing. I love being almost- trilingual. Lastly, my Construction Design project. It was an industrious class!!! My partner and I were drained and swamped towards the end of the semester. Not only did we have to measure up the whole Fire Department Building on Conklin St., but we also had to figure out what was inside each wall. What a drag!
In addition to finals week, at the very last day in the dorms, some of my Dominicans folks and I had a brunch with the Minister of Higher Education of my Dominican Republic. She came to receive an honorary by Farmingdale State College. I, on that day of the brunch, recited a nice poem by Jill Eisnaugle’s. She and her family were very thankful for the poem recital and they felt so welcomed to be at Farmingdale State College.
One thing I really have to highlight is one of the very important Farmingdale State College people who always embellishes our beautiful campus with his welcoming smile. This personage is Dr. Keen. He made sure everyone had a great time with the Minister and the school’s faculty. Thank you so very much President Dr. Keen.
Well, that’s all for now.
Keep checking my posts…